Knowing All about Hunan

Changsha Metro Line 4 to have trial operation with passengers

Updated:2019-05-08 10:02:49

长沙晚报讯(全媒体记者 吴鑫矾)昨日,长沙地铁发布公告,长沙地铁4号线一期工程预计于5月26日11时28分正式载客试运营。这标志着长沙地铁即将从“十”字换乘时代驶入“网络化运营”时代。

According to Changsha Metro, the first phase of Changsha Metro Line 4 is expected to have an official trial operation with passengers at 11:28 am of May 26. This indicates that the Changsha Metro is about to enter the era of city transit network with the chessboard type connection.

长沙地铁4号线一期工程全长33.5公里,设25座车站,均为地下车站, 地铁4号线是继地铁2号线、地铁1号线、磁浮快线之后开通的又一条骨干线路。

The first phase of Changsha Metro Line 4 has a total length of 33.5 kilometers with 25 stations, all of which are underground stations. Metro Line 4 is another backbone line opened after Metro Line 2, Metro Line 1 and Maglev Express.

Link: 长沙地铁4号线预计26日载客试运营