Knowing All about Hunan

Hybrid rice species from China planted in African

Updated:2019-05-24 09:09:23


Hybrid rice species are researched and grown in African countries by Yuan Longping High-Tech Agriculture Co., Ltd., from Hunan.


In 2008, Yuan Longping High-Tech Agriculture Company began their work on plant trials and seed selections of hybrid rice in Africa. In 2010, the company registered and invested in Madagascar Yuan Longping's Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. in Madagascar. Madagascar Hybrid Rice Research Center was established in 2012. It is the first hybrid rice research center in Africa.

在非洲,经过十一年的试验示范和推广,袁氏马达现已成功选育审定了五个杂交水稻品种,具备高产、耐旱、耐淹、抗倒伏、优质等优良特性,深受马达加斯加农民的喜爱。“尤其是它们的平均稻谷单产达到7.5 t/ha,是马达加斯加本地稻谷平均单产的2倍,最高稻谷单产甚至能达到10.41 t/ha。”5月20日,袁氏种业副总经理姚震球接受来访记者时说。

In Africa, after 11 years of trials and promotion, the company has successfully selected and approved five hybrid rice species, which are characterized by high yield, drought tolerance, flood tolerance, lodging resistance, and high quality. The rice species are highly influenced by farmers in Madagascar. Especially, the average rice yield is 7.5 t/ha, which is twice the average yield of Madagascar's local rice. The highest rice yield can even reach 10.41 t/ha.”



The company and a company in Nigeria signed a strategic cooperation agreement to jointly promote hybrid rice planting projects in Nigeria In June 2016; in the rainy season in 2016, Yuan Longping Company conducted seeds selections and planting tests in Kano State, and four species were bred with the production of 7.5 tons/ha. In 2017, the trials were again carried out in the dry season and the rainy season, with a maximum yield of 9.3 tons/ha.


The advantage of the high-yield and multi-resistant hybrid rice from China has been recognized by corporations and the Nigerian government.
