Knowing All about Hunan

HFROC and Hunan Chamber of Commerce in Kenya to develop win-win situation

Updated:2019-07-10 15:02:50

Sun Minsheng, the member of CPC Hunan committee of Federation of Overseas Chinese and deputy chairman of Chinese Federation of Overseas Chinese, visited the Hunan Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese on July 4. Sun Minsheng, member of the Provincial Federation of Overseas Chinese Federation and Guo Jianhong, deputy inspector, met with Chen Yahui and his team.

The Hunan Chamber of Commerce in Kenya and Hunan Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese are self-organized and registered in Kenya by the outstanding enterprises and entrepreneurs from China. They were established on August 6, 2017. Currently, the chamber has more than 1,000 persons and more than 20 companies. It covers many industries such as modern agriculture, mineral resources, infrastructure construction, and real estate, which provides more than 50,000 direct jobs for the local area.

湖南省侨联会见肯尼亚湖南商会一行 共话发展谋双赢