Knowing All about Hunan

Kang Yang: spreading Chinese culture in Germany

Updated:2020-02-26 15:28:31


President of north German overseas Chinese federation, Hamburg Chinese women's federation President.


Waistdrum dance presented byHamburg Chinese women's federation.

In Kang Yang's home in Changsha, apart from the cupboards full of ceramics and cups, there are also several activity volumes of the 2018 north German Chinese New Year gala and the third anniversary of the Hamburg Chinese women's federation. She is the "cup queen" in the eyes of Germany, is also the executive vice President of north German overseas Chinese federation, Hamburg Chinese women's federation President.

In 2018, the Hamburg Chinese women's federation not only invited overseas Chinese in Germany to participate in the "China times chorus festival", but also invited more than 10 choirs from Germany and Shanghai to perform with friends and convey love through songs. In Kang Yang's heart, she felt most happy to work with more Chinese females, show the charm of Chinese culture, and make the Hamburg Chinese women's federation an indispensable warm family for Chinese women.

In 1993, Kang Yang's husband went to Germany to deal with the ceramic business, Kang Yang soon gave up the career in Hunan to follow her husband in Germany.

Over the past 25 years, Kang Yang's ceramics business in Germany has grown so large that it is known locally as "the king cup". In 2018, the government of Hamburg, Germany, awarded Kang Yang's ceramics company a 25th anniversary award. It was the only Chinese company in Hamburg that won the honor. It was also a glory for the overseas Hunan fellow in Germany.

On March 8, 2016, the Hamburg Chinese women's federation was founded, and Kang Yang was elected President. Under her leadership, the Hamburg Chinese women's federation pursues the purpose and mission of "caring for and helping others, spreading Chinese culture and promoting sino-german exchanges", and carries out various cultural activities, which not only enrich local Chinese women's spare time, but also publicize Chinese culture and promote Chinese integration into local society. It is this kind of dedication and positive energy that inspires and unites more and more women to join in.

Kang Yang and her fellow members of the Hamburg Chinese women's federation are enthusiastic about public welfare and passing on love. Launched in 2017, 30 members of the association donated 4,500 euros to poor middle school students in Yunnan province. They also often go to some nursing homes in Hamburg to perform with Chinese characteristics such as waist drum, tai chi, tai chi fan and cheongsam dance.

On April 8, 2019, members of the north German overseas Chinese visiting delegation flew to Changsha from all over Germany. Li Weiwei, chairman of the Hunan Provincial People's Political Consultative Conference, Hu Xusheng, vice chairman, and other members met with the delegation. During the 8-day visit, the visiting delegation had extensive contact with all circles, exchanged with each other and conducted project docking, and achieved fruitful results.

Kang Yang said that she hoped to do more matchmaking, publicize some good things in Hunan to Germany and bring good things from Germany to Hunan.

Each time she went to Hunan FOC, KA

ng Yang felt like easy at her own home. A few days later, the eighth congress of returned overseas Chinese and the families of overseas Chinese will be held in changsha. She is full of expectations for the event.