Knowing All about Hunan

Hunaneses receive Awards for Contributions to OC Community

Updated:2020-11-09 10:41:37

On November 5, China Federation of Overseas Chinese organized the 8th ceremony for innovation and entrepreneurship achievements of new Overseas Chinese and ceremony of "Contribution Award for Overseas Chinese Communities". A total of 125 winners were selected nationwide, 6 of whom were from Hunan.

Dr. Wang Shuangyin, director of The Development planning Office of Hunan University recommended by Hunan, Dr. Zhang Xin, part-time vice chairman of Hunan Federation of Overseas Chinese(FOC) and Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, And Dr. Dai Lizhong, special expert of Hunan FOC and chairman of Shengxiang Biotechnology Co., LTD won the first prize. Du Yong, Deputy director of the State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy and Director of the Institute of Material Design, Central South University; Xie Ziqing, Special expert of Hunan FOC and dean of The School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hunan Normal University; Tan Jingqiang, director of the Department of Geological Resources, Central South University and other three won the second prize. Hunan FOC won the Award of Excellent Organization work.

The "Contribution Award for Overseas Chinese communities" was established by China Federation of Overseas Chinese in 2003 and was held every two years. The purpose of the award is to display and commend the innovative and entrepreneurial achievements of new returned overseas Chinese in China, so as to attract more overseas Chinese talents at home and abroad to serve the country in various forms.