Knowing All about Hunan

The 1st branch of HFOC carried out special organization life

Updated:2021-07-13 15:37:32


"Learn the history of the party, understanding ideas, do practical things, open a new bureau" special organization life


all members review the party pledge

A few days ago, Huang Fang, secretary of the party group of Hunan FOC, attended the first branch organization life meeting as an ordinary member, to "learn the history of the party, understand the idea, do practical things, open a new bureau" special organization life, and the party branch members to study and exchange together. Xiong Xiaolan and Zhou Guangjun, provincial Party history study education 7th guide group deputy leader and member, attended meeting guidance.

At the meeting, members of the party branch repeated their pledge of membership.Li hu, secretary of the first party branch, reported the party history study and education situation of the branch, reported the list of problems of the branch, and put forward the relevant rectification measures and the next direction of efforts.Branch all the party members around the "study of the history of the party, understanding ideas, do practical things, open a new bureau" theme to carry out learning exchanges and party spirit analysis, to investigate the problems, gaps and deficiencies of personal existence, one by one to carry out profound criticism and self-criticism, and make a position to speak.

After listen to everyone's speech, Huang Fang said that all members of the party branch to strengthen the awareness of party membership, to study the history of the party, through immersion study unceasingly strengthen the party members' consciousness, strengthen their self-cultivation, do overseas province federation of authority and even the whole system of "demonstrators, nation" leading member, overseas cadre and nation of the masses "waiter".

Xiong Xiaolan spoke highly of the meeting. She hoped that everyone would take the meeting as an opportunity to deepen understanding, investigate and correct problems with a solid style.Party branches to clear rectification matters, rectification measures and rectification time limit, will be implemented.All party members and cadres should constantly improve political judgment, understanding, executive power, focus on the problem rectification, and the party building and business work closely combined, adhere to the political height to restrain their words and deeds, always achieve self-respect, introspection, self-police, self-reliance.