Artists are visiting Taiping Street. 艺术家们走访太平街。 Artists are visiting Changsha Jiandu Museum. 艺术家们参观简牍博物馆。 Recently eight artists, who are participating in Changsha "C+C" International Media Arts Residency Program, have visited various places in Tianxin district, such as Taiping Street, Tianxin Pavilion, Changsha Jiandu Museum and so on. 近日,长沙“C+C”媒体艺术驻留项目8名国内外青年艺术家,先后走访了长沙市天心区太平老街、天心阁、简牍博物馆等地。 On November 1st, 2017, Changsha was awarded by UNESCO and given the title of "Creative City of Media Arts”. Many sides have been contributing to create the urban artistic atmosphere, and the famous Star City with a rich history and culture has begun to become younger, modern, and artistic. Changsha "C+C" International Media Arts Residency Program is one of the series of events in Changsha Media Art Festival. 2017年11月1日,长沙获得联合国教科文组织授予的世界“媒体艺术之都”称号,成为中国首座也是目前国内唯一获此殊荣的城市。近年来,多方力量献力长沙城市艺术氛围营造,这座历史文化名城开始不断趋向年轻化、现代化、艺术化。长沙“C+C”媒体艺术驻留是长沙媒体艺术节系列活动之一。 In order to strengthen the resident artist's local experience in Changsha and in-depth exchanges with the public, transform the urban cultural experience to artistic creation, and eventually accomplish a co-creation of a public art event by presenting a exhibition, a series of activities will be carried out around 4 significant actions: 为强化驻留艺术家在长沙的本地体验和与公众群体的深入交流,并将城市文化体验向艺术创作转化,最终实现一次以成果展览为载体的公共艺术事件共创,在整个驻留期间将围绕4个重要动作展开一系列活动: In-residence artists "Going into the countryside, into the community, into the university, into the enterprise”. 驻留艺术家“进乡村、进社区、进高校、进企业”。 Exploring the relationship between humanities and art and city development in the forms of field visits, salon forums, sharing sessions, workshops, intangible cultural heritage experiences, etc.. Through interaction with the masses, media art is made more public and universal. 以实地走访、沙龙论坛、分享会、工作坊、非遗文化体验等形式探索人文艺术与城市建设之间的关系。通过与大众的互动,让媒体艺术更加公共化、普遍化。
双语 | 长沙“C+C”媒体艺术驻留项目艺术家走访天心区
Updated:2021-11-18 10:56:30
Updated:2021-11-18 10:56:30
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