Knowing All about Hunan

Results of “2020 Changsha Memories” solicitation campaign released

Source:Hunan Daily
Updated:2021-12-14 15:33:12




The photo shows residents viewing the solicited physical objects about Changsha.

Photo by Guo Liliang, Hunan Daily

Changsha Museum released the results of its solicitation campaign entitled “2020 Changsha Memories -- Contemporary Physical Evidence” on December 13. The campaign aimed to solicit objects and materials that can reflect the city’s development and changes, local people's life changes and the city’s culture.

A total of 100 pieces or sets of physical objects and 585 photos and videos on various themes were collected from 16 enterprises and public institutions and 11 individuals. The top ten material evidences representing Changsha memories will be selected, after going through citizen voting and expert evaluations.




The solicited physical objects about Changsha on display.

Photos by Guo Liliang, Hunan Daily

Translator: Kuang Zhenzhen