Knowing All about Hunan

Total output value of Hunan IoT industry reaches 170 billion Yuan

Source:Hunan Daily
Updated:2022-01-17 14:18:45

The Hunan Provincial Industrial and Information Industrial Affairs Center recently compiled and released the “Hunan 2021 Internet of Things (IoT) Supply Side Industrial Development Report”. Statistics showed that there were about 21,700 enterprises related to the IoT industry in Hunan Province in 2021, ranking at the upper and middle-level nationwide, with a total output value of 170 billion yuan.

The smart home products such as smart locks, smart speakers, and wearables have been increasingly popular, thanks to the advanced IoT technology. Consumer IoT (CIoT) has gained first-mover advantage, and the proportion of industrial IoT connections has been growing. Intelligent industry, transportation, healthcare, energy, and other fields have become the fastest growing sectors of industrial IoT connections.

Hunan’s IoT-related enterprises are now mainly concentrated in such areas as manufacturing, and information transmission, software, and services, amounting to 561 and 11,084 respectively. The industrial development has begun to take shape. There are layouts in all aspects of the industrial chain, and a closed-loop industrial chain has also been formed. The enterprises across Hunan Province engaged in IoT research and development, manufacturing, operation, and service have gathered in Changsha, including sensors, chip design, electronic tags and reading and writing equipment, intelligent terminals, application software, and system integration.

Translator: Yu Jiangjiang