“不畏艰苦,甘于奉献,救死扶伤,大爱无疆!”又一批中国(湖南)援塞拉利昂、援津巴布韦医疗队怀着荣誉与责任,踏上远征之列。 "Don't be afraid of hardships, be willing to give, save lives and help the wounded, and love without bounds!" Another group of Chinese (Hunan) medical teams were going to aid Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe with honor and responsibility. 如果要离开家乡一万多公里,去到陌生的环境三百多个日与夜,是种什么样的体验?翻开队员们的日记,我们看到这些伟大医者可爱的日常——会因为满天繁星而开怀,也会因为危机和意外而唏嘘,或是悄悄写下一些不能和家人诉说的“秘密”。那些有草原和芒果树的日子,在他们笔下徐徐展开…… What kind of experience would it be if you had to leave your hometown for more than 10,000 kilometers and go to an unfamiliar environment for more than 300 days and nights? Opening the diaries of the team members, we can see their lovely daily lives - feel happy for the starry sky, feel sad for crises and accidents, or just write down some "secrets" that cannot be told to their families. Those days with grasslands and mango trees unfolded slowly under their pens… “不辛苦,这里一切都好” “Work is not hard in here, everything is fine” 中国第22批援塞拉利昂医疗队队员们在手电照明下继续实施手术。 Members of the 22nd batch of the Chinese medical team to aid Sierra Leone continued to perform operations under the light of flashlights. 这日,西非中塞友好医院正在上演一场断肢再植接力赛,准备进行肌腱吻合时,突然整个手术室一片漆黑,停电了!李植源感觉四周伸手不见五指,但他知道伤口的出血不会等待……手术室的两盏备用头灯亮起,同事们又举起三台手机光集聚在伤口处,隔壁值班的医生也赶来帮忙,手术总算能有惊无险的继续进行。 One day, the Sierra Leone-China Friendship Hospital in West Africa was performing a series of operations for a replantation of a severed finger. When they were repairing tendons, suddenly the power went out! Li Zhiyuan felt that he could not see anything, but he knew the bleeding of the wound would not wait... Two spare headlights turned on, and colleagues raised three mobile phones to gather light at the wound when the doctors in the next room came to help as well. The operation was finally able to continue. 炎热的天气,不稳定的电力,有别于国内的医疗环境,都是一个个严峻的考题。凌晨4点,梁银华在睡梦中被一阵急促的敲门声惊醒,赶到手术室看见一名腹部微微隆起的患者,血压已临近休克状态,是宫外孕。宫外孕破裂出血是最凶险的妇科急腹症之一,在国内有条件的大医院都是聚集所有优质医疗资源,全力抢救,何况在医疗条件极其匮乏的非洲。梁银华知道不马上进行手术,后果将极其严重,于是迅速排兵布阵,凭借几十年的工作经验,到早上七点终于将患者从鬼门关上拉了回来。摘下手套有些疲惫的梁银华靠在墙上,今天,也是和死神赛跑的一天。 Hot weather, unstable electricity, and a medical condition that differs from ones in China are various kinds of difficulties. At 4 a.m., Liang Yinhua was awakened by a sudden knock on the door. She rushed to the operating room and saw a patient with a slightly bulging abdomen. Her blood pressure was close to a state of shock. She had an ectopic pregnancy, one of the most dangerous gynecological emergencies that hospitals in China would rescue all-out efforts, not to mention in Africa, where medical conditions were scarcer. Liang Yinhua knew that they should do something immediately, otherwise the consequences would be extremely serious. With decades of work experience, she quickly arranged the operation, and finally pulled the patient back from the gate of death at seven o’clock in the morning. After taking off gloves, Liang Yinhua leaned wearily against the wall. Today is another day of racing against the god of death, and luckily they won. “不用担心,想您了” “Don’t worry! I miss you” 梁银华在为企业塞方员工测量血压。 Liang Yinhua measured the blood pressure of a employee from Sierra Leone 武科看着核酸检测后即将踏上回国归途的同胞,想起了年迈的外婆目送她远行时的模样,老人家支持她的决定,拉着的手却紧紧放不开。休息时间,武科拨通了视频通话,营地的信号这天很给力,家人们的笑脸出现在屏幕上。“您不要担心我,我好得很,您看我在和队友们一起包饺子吃呢……”眼泪在挂断视频的一瞬落下,这天是大年初二,按照武科老家的规矩,这天是女儿回娘家拜年的日子。 The compatriots who were going to return to China after the nucleic acid test reminded Wu Ke of the day when she left home and the look that her grandmother had. At that day, her grandmother supported her decision but held her hand tightly. During the break, Wu Ke made a video call. The signal at the camp was pretty good, and the smiling faces of her family members appeared on the screen. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, you see I'm making dumplings with my teammates..." Tears dropped down after they hung up. It was the second day of the Chinese New Year. According to the custom in Wu Ke's hometown, it is the day that the daughter returns to her parent's home and pays New Year's greetings. 梁银华的母亲听说她要去援非后,向左邻右舍的年轻人打听塞拉利昂的情况。电视里只要有关于非洲的介绍,妈妈会立马放下手中的活,有时还不厌其烦地回看。“如果我不来非洲,妈妈可能一辈子都不会知道世界上还有这么一个国家。”梁银华想起只有小学一年级算术水平的母亲,现在能很快算出弗里敦与长沙的时差。 After Liang Yinhua's mother heard that Yinhua was going to help African countries medically, she asked the young people in her neighborhood about the situation in Sierra Leone. As long as there was a news about Africa on TV, mom would immediately put down her work and sometimes spare no trouble to watch it back. "If I hadn't come to Africa, my mother might never have known that there was such a country in the world.” Liang Yinhua remembered that her mother, who only had an entry-level of arithmetic, could now quickly calculate the time difference between Freetown and Changsha. 亲人是软肋也是铠甲,放下手机,他们重新走进诊室迎接患者。亲友的挂念将转化成远行之人前行的动力,在同一片蓝天下彼此守望。 The relatives are both weaknesses and armors. After put down their phones, they re-enter the consultation room to greet the patients. The concern of families and friends transformed into a driving force for those who travel far. They know they are always supporting each other under the same blue sky. “Hello,你好” “Hello, Ni Hao” 塞方同事为援塞医疗队员肖扬铭赠送礼物。 Colleagues from Sierra Leone presented gifts to Xiao Yangming. 在陌生的大陆,即使语言不通,也无法阻隔善意与友好的流露。“亲爱的祖瓦(zuva),有空的话可以过来帮我一下吗?”护士Precious在注射台那头唤着孙爽。这是津巴布韦当地医护小伙伴给孙爽取得绍纳名,是太阳的意思。这片土地上质朴而温暖的人情,常常疗愈着医疗队。 In an unfamiliar country, the language barrier cannot stop goodwill and friendship. "Dear Zuva, can you come and help me if you are free?" Nurse Precious called out to Sun Shuang from the injection table. ““Zuva” refers to the sun in the sky in Shona language, and it is also how local colleagues called Sun Shuang. These simple details from daily interactions always warm the medical team. 武科的书桌上有一个特别的小礼物——是一位塞拉利昂小患者送的幸运瓶,里面一张小纸条上歪歪扭扭地写着,“我喜欢中国,我想去中国。”操着北方口音的华人工友见到援非队会高兴地喊,“太好了,家里来人了!” There was a special small gift on Wu Ke's desk - a lucky bottle with a note inside from a young patient in Sierra Leone, "I like China, I want to go to China." When Overseas Chinese workers saw the Chinese medical team, they would happily shouted with the northern accent, "great, family from home are here!" 即将结束援外工作时,肖扬铭收到了一块木牌,上面刻着:“THANK YOU FOR WORKING WITH ME(谢谢你和我一起工作),CHINA SIERRA LEONE FRIENDSHIP FOREVER(中塞友谊长存)。”纯手工雕刻的礼物是赠予者满满的心意与祝福。你好,老朋友,Hello,新朋友。 When his medical work was coming to an end, Xiao Yangming received a wooden plaque with the words: "THANK YOU FOR WORKING WITH ME, CHINA SIERRA LEONE FRIENDSHIP FOREVER." This handmade engraved gift was given with sincerities and best wishes by the local. Hello old friend, and hello new friend. “我终有一天会成为像你们一样的人” "I will be someone like you one day" 第23批援塞拉利昂医疗队员刘文洪医生在临床带教。 Dr Liu Wenhong, a team member of the 23rd batch of medical teams to Sierra Leone, is teaching clinically. 自1973年,湖南省向塞拉利昂派遣第一支医疗队,到2021年,第23批医疗队已抵达非洲大陆。不断更新的面孔带着对未知生活的探索,接下前人手中燃烧的火炬。 Since Hunan province dispatched its first medical team to Sierra Leone in 1973, the 23rd medical team has arrived on the African continent in 2021. Constantly changing people come to the land, exploring the unknown life, and take on the burning torches from the hands of their predecessors. 授人以鱼不如授人以渔。刘文洪在医院开起了小课堂,从基本的医学医德到操作设备的专业技能无不倾囊相授。夜色西沉,芒果树的清香伴着微风徐徐吹来,医院的光还亮着,黄皮肤,黑皮肤的人们聚在一起,眼里闪烁的是对人类未来美好的向往。一名叫Hope(希望)的津巴布韦小女孩给医疗队寄来了信件,“我可能还年轻,但是如果能有你们一路随行,我终有一天会成为像你们一样的人!” As Chinese slang said, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. Liu Wenhong started a small class in the hospital and taught the local doctors from basic medical ethics to professional skills in operating equipment. When the night sank, the fragrance of mango trees was blown slowly by the breeze, and the light from hospitals was still bright. Yellow-skinned and dark-skinned people gathered, and their eyes flickered with the yearning for the future of mankind. A little girl in Zimbabwe called Hope sent a letter to the medical team, "I may still be young, but if I can have you along the way, I will one day be someone like you!" 总要有人去播撒希望之种苗。于是繁星般散落的人们汇聚成银河,披上白衣战袍来到这片土地。一代代援非医疗队的成员们用不凡的仁爱与勇气,隔山跨海,架起了链接中非人民的桥梁,也在两岸埋下了和平的真谛。 Someone needs to sow the seeds of hope. Thus, the people, scattered like stars, can assemble into the ‘Milky Way’, when they put on white coats and came to this land. With extraordinary kindness and courage, the members of the medical team from generation to generation have built a bridge linking the people of China and Africa across mountains and seas. They demonstrate the true meaning of peace on both sides of the strait.
双语 | 援非日记的折页:欢笑与热泪都滚烫
Updated:2022-03-31 16:09:46
Updated:2022-03-31 16:09:46
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