Knowing All about Hunan

Huaihua to Export Processed Grain Products to ASEAN

Updated:2022-08-26 09:59:10

A special train carrying 40 TEUs of 1,040 tons of high-quality grated rice from Pakistan arrives at the Huaihua International Land Port. Photo by Lei Mingxiong

On August 24, a special train loaded with 40 TEUs of 1,040 tons of high-quality grated rice from Pakistan arrived at Hunan's Huaihua International Land Port. The rice will be further processed and exported to ASEAN countries.

Imported via a Chinese food trade company, the grated rice was shipped from the Karachi Port in Pakistan and arrived at the Qinzhou Port in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in 15 days. After completing the customs clearance, the rice was then transferred by train to the Huaihua West Station.

Some Huaihua companies will process the grated rice into Southeast Asian-style instant rice noodles, with the flavors of Tom Yam Gong soup, curry sauce, and vanillic sour soup. The rice noodle products will be exported to Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, and other ASEAN countries in October.

The import of these grated rice marked that the Huaihua International Land Port is capable of collecting and distributing bulk grain products from ASEAN and South Asian countries via sea-rail combined transport. This will lay a solid foundation for Hunan, even central and western China, to import grain products, cotton, rubber, iron ore, and manganese ore from ASEAN and South Asian countries, and further facilitate logistics between Hunan and RCEP members and the South Asian and Middle East countries.