Knowing All about Hunan

Invitational Exhibition of Hunan Watercolor Paintings Opens in Changsha

Updated:2022-09-28 09:55:57

The Invitational Exhibition of Hunan Watercolor Paintings opens at the Hunan Art Museum.

The Invitational Exhibition of Hunan Watercolor Paintings opened at the Hunan Art Museum on September 26. A total of 124 watercolor paintings created by 124 artists including Yun Shilin, Zhang Juyi, Zhu Hui, Huang Tieshan, and Yin Baokang are on display.

The exhibition is hosted by the Hunan Art Museum and the Hunan Artists Association, and organized by the Hunan Watercolor Society, the Watercolor Institute of Hunan Artists Association, and the Watercolor Arts Council of Hunan Artists Association. Focusing on people, culture, and landscape, the exhibition aims to comprehensively demonstrate Hunan artists' capacity of watercolor painting creation. The exhibition will last till November 12.

Visitors view a watercolor painting.

The vast region and profound regional culture of Hunan Province have made distinctive local characteristics of Hunan watercolor painters in terms of aesthetic standard, content, arts techniques and styles.

At the exhibition hall, paintings with diverse techniques and prominent styles attracted much attention of visitors. They viewed the works carefully and took pictures.

As a major watercolor painting producer, Hunan has become a force to be reckoned with in the history of Chinese watercolor painting. Thanks to the efforts of the first generation of Hunan watercolor artists represented by Wang Zhengde, watercolor paintings have shown strong vitality in Hunan. In the mid-1980s, Hunan's "Four Watercolor Artists", represented by Huang Tieshan, Zhu Hui, Yin Baokang, and Zhang Juyi, led Hunan watercolor painting to scale new heights. Hunan watercolor painting became famous throughout the country. Since then, various watercolor painting exhibitions and joint exhibitions have been held, and organizations such as the Hunan and Hubei Watercolor Artists Alliance, Hunan Fenglin Watercolor Association, Hunan Watercolor Research Institute and Hunan Watercolor Society have been established successively.