红网时刻新闻记者 朱闻芩 田兴雨 张立 长沙报道 当轻抚过一陶一瓷光滑温润的表面时,你是否可以透过曲线与纹理的交织,感受到它古老而纯粹的生命力? When you caress the smooth and moist surface of porcelain, will you feel its ancient and pure vitality through the interweaving of curves and textures? 它是瓷器,也是中国。 It is china, but also China. “红官窑”所在地湖南醴陵,坐拥享誉世界的釉下五彩瓷。它携“东方陶瓷艺术巅峰”的美誉,着或素雅、或华丽、或洁白、或红亮的衣裳,跨过山河大海,游历至世界的每个角落,透过莹润、光洁的釉下五彩,带你领略独特的东方美学。 Liling City, Hunan province, where “Hongguan Kiln” is located, is home to world-renowned underglaze multicolored porcelain. It carries the reputation of “the pinnacle of oriental ceramic art”, and wears clothes that are either simple and elegant, or gorgeous, or white, or bright red, across mountains, rivers, and seas, traveling to every corner of this world, promote unique oriental aesthetics through the bright and smooth underglaze. 它是1915年在旧金山召开的巴拿马太平洋万国博览会“一举夺魁”的扁豆双禽瓶;是作为国礼款待贵客的“瓷釉下彩挂盘”;是入选非物质文化遗产名录的烧瓷技艺。 It is the lentil double bird bottle that “won the golden award” at the Panama Pacific International Exposition held in San Francisco in 1915; it is the “underglaze colored hanging plate” used as a national gift to entertain distinguished guests; it is the porcelain firing technique that was selected into the intangible Cultural Heritage list. 如今,在具备完整产业链的醴陵,陶瓷谷里的陶瓷也乘着“去醴陵寻宝瓷器”的热潮,再次焕发生机,被更多人了解。 Nowadays, in Liling, which has a complete industry chain, the ceramics in the Ceramics Valley are also riding on the craze of “going to Liling to look for porcelain”, regaining vitality and being known to more people. 这,真的很中国。 It is great China!
Updated:2023-09-21 11:22:31
Updated:2023-09-21 11:22:31
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