Knowing All about Hunan

Tree-planting Activities Held in Hunan

Updated:2023-03-13 11:23:35

The photo, taken on March 10, shows volunteers carrying tree seedlings at Shimashen Village, Gongba Town, Daoxian County. On the same day, local cadres, Party members and volunteers were organized to attend a voluntary tree planting activity to cover the county with more greenery. (Photo/Jiang Keqing)

On March 9, representatives of teachers and students of Changsha Aeronautical Vocational and Technical College carried out a tree planting activity. They planted 500 tree seedlings together. (Photo/Liu Yuan)

On March 10, kindergarten students earthed up the newly planted tree seedlings at Chengtoushan Scenic Area in Lixian County. Volunteers of a Daoxian public welfare development center joined hands with teachers and students of Jiuli Kindergarten to carry out a voluntary tree planting activity in Chengtoushan Scenic Area. The move aimed to guide children to plant trees and protect the environment with concrete actions. (Photo/Bai Yipu)

On March 9, volunteers organized by China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. participated in a voluntary tree planting activity at Xianrenshi Village, Huangxing Town, Changsha City. The event aimed to carry forward the social trends of ecological civilization in planting and taking care of trees, and encourage the public to practice green development philosophy with concrete actions and contribute to the national afforestation cause. (Photo/Huang Yuwen)

The photo, taken on March 10, shows students of the No. 9 Middle School of Hengyang City planting a tree at Baishazhou Area in Hengyang High-tech Zone. Various tree-planting activities were held in Hengyang City to mark the Arbor Day. (Photo/Luo Maomeng)

On March 10, Party branch of Xitangjie Community, Gaotangling Neighborhood, Wangcheng District and Party branch of Weizi Village of Wushan Neighborhood carried out a tree planting activity with their pairing-up units. Sixty tree seedlings were donated to enhance the friendship between communities and units. (Photo/Huang Miao)

The photo, taken on March 10, shows volunteers planting trees at Zhenglong Village, Huagu Neighborhood, Dongkou County. On the same day, more than 600 Party members, cadres, Chinese Communist Youth League members, and volunteers attended a voluntary tree planting activity, in an effort to build a more beautiful countryside with improved ecological environment. They planted over 6,000 tree seedlings together. (Photo/Teng Zhizhong)