红网时刻新闻记者 田兴雨 殷铭康 湘西报道 在雾霭中,解锁十八洞村的另一番风景,打开古朴的大门,走进这里的房子,去探寻十八洞村房子的意义。 In the fog, unlock another scenery of Shibadong Village, open the quaint door, walk into the houses here, and explore the meaning of the houses in Shibadong Village. 屋前,窗户上,是精雕细琢的窗花;大门前,是象征着辛勤劳作的石磨;房梁下,是挂着好彩头的灯笼。 In front of the house, there are elaborately carved window grills on the windows; there is a stone mill symbolizing hard work in front of the door; there are also lanterns hanging symbolizing good fortune under the beams. 屋后,几乎挨家挨户都堆放着木柴,我想那是主人们对于“温暖”的储蓄,它们既是过冬的物资,也是温暖的来源。 Behind the house, almost every house has firewood piled up. I think it is the owners' savings for "warmth". They are both supplies for winter and a source of warmth. 在村子里,目光所及之处,都是古色古香的建筑,比如,吊脚的阁楼,竹子制作的外墙壁,镂空的房梁,但偶尔,也来点“混搭”——木头加上大铁门。 In the village, wherever you look, there are antique buildings, such as attics with stilts, exterior walls made of bamboo, and hollow beams. But occasionally, there is also a "mix and match" -- wood and iron door. 这里的一砖一瓦,堆砌起来的都是十八洞村居民们的幸福。他们的家,有的房梁上会挂着晾晒的食物,有的屋子旁边会摆着大水缸,但总会在门前摆放把椅子,因为那是等待着你归家的意思。 Brick by brick, the happiness of the residents of Shibadong Village is piled up. Here, some will have food hung to dry on the beams, some will have large water tanks next to the houses, but there will always be a chair in front of the door, which means waiting for you to return home. 走在迷雾里,难辨方向,但,有家、有房屋的地方,就是归向。 Walking in the fog, it's difficult to distinguish direction. But a place with a home or a house is the destination.
Updated:2023-12-20 14:11:54
Updated:2023-12-20 14:11:54
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