红网时刻新闻记者 殷铭康 田兴雨 湘西报道 这里是湖南湘西,这里是湖南花垣十八洞村,这里是精准扶贫的首倡地。 Here is Hunan Xiangxi, here is Hunan Huayuan Shibadong, here is the first initiative of precise poverty alleviation. 从昔日的泥巴路,到现在的水泥沥青路。村民还在家门口做起了生意,生活得更为红红火火。她们在家门口织布、绣苗绣、成立苗绣合作社,全村经济水平逐渐提高,生活幸福感直线上升。 Moving from the old mud road to the current cement asphalt road. The villagers have also started businesses at their doorsteps and are living a more prosperous life. They weave cloth, embroider Miao embroidery and set up Miao embroidery cooperatives at home, and the economic level of the whole village has gradually improved, and the sense of happiness in life has risen sharply. 在如今现代化飞速发展的时代,十八洞村坚守着乡间的质朴与纯粹。保留了特色的苗族建筑,一座座木屋错落有致、鳞次栉比,伫立在山巅之上,被青山环抱,风景如画。 In today's era of rapid modernization and development, Shibadong Village holds fast to the simplicity and purity of the countryside. The characteristic Miao architecture is preserved, with wooden houses staggered and lined up, standing on the top of the mountain, surrounded by green hills, with picturesque scenery. 老人、小孩的生活悠然自得,动植物生态环境得到有效保护,尽显十八洞自然资源之美。 Elderly people and children live a leisurely life, and the ecological environment of plants and animals is effectively protected, showing the beauty of natural resources in Shibadong. 十八洞村总是有一种积极向上的吸引力,让来自五湖四海的游客闻名而来。如今的十八洞村生态优美、百姓幸福,十八洞村村民将从大山深处昂首阔步、唱响世界。 Shibadong village always has a positive attraction that makes tourists from all over the world famous. Nowadays, the ecology of Shibadong is beautiful and the people are blissful, and the villagers of Shibadong will stride forward from the depths of the mountains and sing to the world.
双语Vlog丨打卡湘西十八洞村 探寻幸福生活指南
Updated:2023-12-04 11:33:45
Updated:2023-12-04 11:33:45
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