6月10日,“甲辰龙腾盛世中华”2024全国龙舟大联动之“我在宜昌过端午”2024屈原故里传统龙舟赛在三峡大坝坝前屈原故里国家龙舟训练比赛基地(湖北省宜昌市秭归县茅坪镇徐家冲港湾)激情开赛。 On June 10th, the traditional Dragon Boat Race in memory of Qu Yuan, the nationwide Dragon Boat event "Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival in Yichang" 2024, kicked off at Qu Yuan's Hometown National Dragon Boat Training Base in front of the Three Gorges Dam in Zigui County. 点睛醒龙。 Dotting eyes for Dragon Boats. 比赛设三省四地组12人龙舟500米直道竞速赛,本地乡镇组12人龙舟500米直道竞速赛,抢红夺标赛三个项目,16支参赛队伍在这里逐浪拼搏。赛龙舟是端午活动的重头戏。本次比赛首次邀请宜昌秭归、黄石和湖南汨罗、江苏苏州四个中国端午节“申遗地”群众代表队参加。“三省四地”群众共聚秭归、平湖挥桨,龙舟文化在竞技交流中历久弥新。现场规范化、标准化呈现“点睛-下水-游江-竞渡-抢红”等屈原故里龙舟竞渡传统仪式,溯源历史岁月,传承千年非遗。 The competition includes a 12-person dragon boat 500-meter straight-line speed race for teams from three provinces and four cities, a local town 12-person dragon boat 500-meter straight-line speed race, and a flag-grabbing race, with 16 participating teams competing fiercely. Dragon boat racing is the highlight of the Dragon Boat Festival activities. For the first time, this competition has invited mass representatives from Yichang Zigui, Huangshi, Miluo in Hunan, and Suzhou in Jiangsu, which are four Chinese "Intangible Cultural Heritage" sites for the Dragon Boat Festival, to participate. People from the "three provinces and four cities" gathered in Zigui, paddling together on the lake, rejuvenating dragon boat culture through competitive exchanges. The event will present traditional dragon boat racing ceremonies such as "Dotting eyes (for Dragon Boats), Launching, Boating, Racing, and Flag-Grabbing" in a standardized and regulated manner, tracing back to historical years and inheriting intangible cultural heritage. 龙舟选手准备入场。 Dragon boat rowers enter the race. 据了解,本次比赛由中国龙舟协会指导,湖北省体育局水上运动管理中心、湖北省龙舟船艇协会、宜昌市文化和旅游局、秭归县人民政府主办。比赛结束后,三省四地龙舟队队员还实地参观了屈原祠。 This competition is guided by the Chinese Dragon Boat Association, organized by the Hubei Provincial Sports Bureau's Water Sports Management Center, Hubei Dragon Boat Association, Yichang Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, and Zigui County People's Government. After the competition, members of the dragon boat teams from the three provinces and four cities also visited the Qu Yuan Shrine. 比赛结果如下: 三省四地组12人龙舟500米直道赛第一名 江苏苏州 First place in the 12-person dragon boat 500-meter straight-line speed race for teams from three provinces and four cities: Suzhou, Jiangsu 秭归本地组12人龙舟500米直道赛第一名 郭家坝镇 First place in the local town 12-person dragon boat 500-meter straight-line race: Guojiaba Town, 抢红夺标冠军队 郭家坝镇 Champion of the flag-grabbing race: Guojiaba Town, Zigui 国际皮划艇联合会主席托马斯·科涅茨科近日透露,中华龙舟赛将成为巴黎奥运会表演项目。他还表示,今年10月,国际划联龙舟世界杯将在屈原故里秭归举行。 During the upcoming Olympic Games Paris 2024, dragon boat racing will become an exhibition sport, said Thomas Konietzko, president of the International Canoe Federation. He also said that the Dragon Boat World Cup will be held in Zigui in October of this year. 时至今日,龙舟文化丰富有趣的习俗将全球各地的人们的心连结在一起。 Today, the interesting customs of dragon boat culture still connect people's hearts around the world. (感谢宜昌三峡融媒体中心供稿)
Updated:2024-06-11 14:07:23
Updated:2024-06-11 14:07:23
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