5月29日至6月2日,第二届湖南省“聚侨兴湘”活动举行。 From May 29 to June 2, the second Hunan provincial “Overseas Chinese Gathering in Xiaoxiang” event was held as expected. 此次活动邀请了60个国家和地区的450名海外侨领侨商、华媒代表,以及中国侨商会和省内、省外67名侨商参加。参会嘉宾70%以上是首次参加湖南省涉侨活动。 450 overseas Chinese businessmen and Chinese media representatives from 60 countries and regions, as well as 67 returned overseas Chinese entrepreneurs from the China Federation of Overseas Chinese Entrpreneurs were invited to the event. More than 70% of the guests were participating in such activities in Hunan Province for the first time. 本届“聚侨兴湘”活动分别在岳阳、株洲两地举行招商引资签约推介会,涉侨项目总投资820余亿元,其中现场签约项目资金180余亿元。 During the activity, investment promotion conferences were held respectively in Yueyang and Zhuzhou, covering a total investment of more than 82 billion yuan in overseas-Chinese-related projects. Agreements on such projects with a total of more than 18 billion yuan were signed on-site . 活动期间,与会嘉宾们在多地进行实地参观考察,感受湖南的开放大潮与先进“智造”。 The guests also visted and inspected other places in Hunan, experiencing on-the-spot this province’s opening up trend and advanced “intelligent manufacturing”.
双语丨第二届湖南省“聚侨兴湘”活动29日举行 60国海外侨胞齐聚岳阳
Updated:2024-06-03 10:14:39
Updated:2024-06-03 10:14:39
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