Knowing All about Hunan

双语丨“沉浸式”普法宣传进社区 侨法知识常学常新

Updated:2024-06-03 10:55:27

近日,湖南省侨联联合长沙市侨联、芙蓉区侨联在东湖街道东沙社区开展“侨法伴我行 护侨暖侨心”普法进社区活动。省侨联党组成员、副主席彭迪出席并讲话。

Recently, the Hunan Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, in collaboration with the the Changsha Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and the Furong District Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, launched a campaign of popularizing the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Returned Overseas Chinese and the Family Members of Overseas Chinese (The Law) in the Dongsha Community of Donghu Street. The campaign is titled “the Law in Hand, Rights and Interests of Overseas Chinese are Saferguarded”. Peng Di, member of the Party Committee and Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, attended the event and delivered a speech.


Through the setup of promotional boards, distribution of the Publicity Mannual on the Law and leaflets, conducting informational consultations on-site, and disseminating general knowledge abou the Regulation for Handling of Public Complaints and Proposals, a good atmosphere of “respecting the law, learning the law, abiding by the law, and using the law” has been created for the returned overseas Chinese and their family members in the community .


Peng Di pointed out that safeguarding the interests of returned overseas Chinese is one of the main functions of various federations, and puclicizing the Law is an important part of the work for those at the basic level. Efforts should be continuously made to support the construction of basic-level federations and the establishment of “Homes for returned overseas Chinese”, aiming to build the federations at various levels into warm, united, and dedicated homes that the returned overseas Chinese and their family members can rely on.