Knowing All about Hunan


Updated:2024-06-05 14:15:51

红网时刻新闻记者 朱闻芩 杨柳 樊令钰 长沙报道


This excerpt is from the famous Changde Silk Strings song Singing Again New Things Today.


"Changde Silk Strings" is a local musical genre popular in the area along the rivers of Yuanjiang and Lishui in Changde, Hunan province. It primarily focuses on singing, supplemented by talking. With a mix of both, it narrates lyrical pieces or larger segments featuring characters and plots.


The lyrics of Changde Silk Strings are elegant, the melodies are beautiful, the repertoires are rich, the structure is complete, and the styles are diverse. Its catchy tunes make it a commonly used form of folk art music in community creation and performance activities.


As the Gaokao approaches, let us sing the famous Changde Silk Strings song Singing Again New Things Today to introduce the renowned universitie in China.


At this critical moment full of challenges and opportunities, we send our best wishes to the 2024 Gaokao candidates. May each candidate remain steadfast in their beliefs and move forward courageously. May every step lead to success, and may all your dreams come true!