红网时刻新闻记者 杨柳 长沙报道 在湘潭韶山,有一道菜家喻户晓。它做起来并不容易,却是令许多人垂涎欲滴的存在。它,就是毛氏红烧肉。 There is a dish in Shaoshan, Xiangtan City that everyone knows. It’s not easy to make, but many of us are eager to taste. This is, Mao’s Braised Pork. 取一块“五花三层”,切成两厘米见方的块儿。 Take a piece of pork belly and cut it into 2 centimetres cubes. 锅中加油,下五花,这样是为了使肉块定型,减少油腻感 Add some oil. Put the cubes in the wok for shaping and reducing greasiness. 传统红烧肉用酱油着色,而毛氏五花不加一滴酱油,却色如玛瑙、红得透亮。秘诀,就在于糖。 Traditional braised pork is colored with soy sauce, while the Mao’s can be bright and as red as agate without the sauce. The key lies in sugar. 白糖和清水,原本平淡的相遇在高温的加持下逐渐火热起来。 White sugar and water, originally a plain encounter, gradually heat up under the influence of high temperature. 锅与铲几番较量后,决定闭关修炼,也给这场烹饪拉响了终曲。 After all these fights between the wok and spatula, ingredients enter the stewing stage, which plays the finale for this cooking. 成熟的五花,一改青涩的粉白,变得深红而清透。肉一夹起,便在空中欢欣舞蹈 When cubes are well cooked, they replace the original pinky baby wear with the sparkling crimson dress. And if you pick them up, you will see them doing a jiggly happy dance. 咸甜微辣,层次丰富;入口是果冻般Q弹的口感,绵滑油润,却屡吃不腻。 There are so many layers: salty, sweet, and a little bit spicy. The cubes enjoy a jelly-like texture, with fat offering a silky touch, but not greasy at all. 现在的毛氏红烧肉已经不仅仅是一道菜,而是一种文化、一段历史;人们吃进嘴里的也不单单是一种味道,更是一份情怀、一瞬追思。当全世界的人都在好奇毛氏红烧肉是什么滋味时,只有中国人知道,那,是家的味道。 Nowadays, the Mao’s Braised Pork is not simply a dish, it’s more of a culture and a piece of history; what people are enjoying is not just a taste, it’s more of a feeling and a moment of remembrance. When the whole world is curious about sweet or sour the Mao’s pork is, only us, we Chinese people know that, this, is the taste of home. (素材来源:红网湘潭站提供)
Updated:2024-01-16 15:38:43
Updated:2024-01-16 15:38:43
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