红网时刻新闻记者 张立 实习生 王星睿 长沙报道 郴州有句俗语:“早起吃鱼粉,神仙站不稳。”这句话中提到的美食是源自栖凤渡镇的栖凤渡鱼粉。其精髓可归结为四字:鲜、香、爽、辣。鲜,指食材的鲜活;香,有豆油、茶油的独特味道;爽,采用劲道爽滑的切粉;辣,有火辣刺激的本地辣椒。 There is a saying in Chenzhou: “Start your day with fishmeal and even immortals will falter.” The delicacy mentioned in the saying is the Qifengdu Fishmeal, which originates from Qifengdu town. The dish's essence can be summed up in four words: fresh, aromatic, silky, and spicy. “Fresh” signifies the freshness of the ingredients; “Aromatic” comes from the unique flavor of soybean oil and tea oil; “Silky” is thanks to the use of resilient and smooth noodles; and “Spicy”, is due to fiery local chilies. 这样美味的栖凤渡鱼粉,离不开传承千年的制作技艺。首先将早稻米磨成米浆,用柴火蒸制后将其晾晒、切条备用。接着准备汤底,在高汤中加入切块的新鲜草鱼,熬煮后撒入五爪辣椒等调料增味。最后就可以装碗了,先舀豆油,再加汤底和米粉,覆以鱼肉、葱花,再浇上几滴茶油。如此,一碗令人回味的栖凤渡鱼粉便可端至食客面前。 This delicious Qifengdu Fishmeal owes its allure to a millennia-old culinary craft. Firstly, early-harvest rice is ground into a rice milk, steamed over a wood fire, then sun-dried and cut into strips for later use. Next, prepare the soup, adding cubes of fresh grass carp to the soup-stock, and then sprinkling in seasonings such as “five-claw chilies (a kind of chill of Hunan)” to enhance the flavor. Finally, it can be served in a bowl, ladling in the soybean oil, then adding the soup and rice noodles, covering the fish, spring chopped green onion, and pouring a few drops of tea oil over the top. Thus, a bowl of memorable Qifengdu Fishmeal can be served to the diners. “走千里路、万里路,舍不得栖凤渡。”从三国时期庞统的称赞,到郴州街头巷尾的家常早餐,品尝一碗栖凤渡鱼粉,既是一场跨越时空的味觉旅行,也是一次浸透人间烟火的曼妙享受。 "Travel even ten thousand miles, yet the heart clings to Qifengdu." From the praise of Pang Tong in the Three Kingdoms era to a common breakfast in Chenzhou's streets and alleys. Savoring a bowl of Qifengdu Fishmeal is not just a gustatory journey through time and space, but also a delightful immersion into the profound joys of worldly life. 素材来源:新华社、红网郴州站
双语·一县一品 丨 福城颢气,栖凤鱼香——它竟是湖南粉界的隐藏“猛将”?
Updated:2024-01-17 17:25:02
Updated:2024-01-17 17:25:02
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