湖南省侨联特聘专家新春慰问座谈会现场。 The site of the Spring New Year's consolation symposium by the Hunan Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese. 1月12日,湖南省侨联特聘专家新春慰问座谈会在中南大学湘雅医院召开。省侨联党组书记、副主席孙民生,中南大学党委副书记、党委统战部部长蒋建湘出席并讲话,省侨联特聘专家委员会主任曹亚主持。 On January 12th, a New Year's consolation symposium for specially-appointed experts of the Hunan Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese was held at Xiangya Hospital Central South University. Sun Minsheng, the Secretary of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of Hunan Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, and Jiang Jianxiang, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department of Central South University, attended the symposium and delivered speeches. Cao Ya, the Director of the Specially-Appointed Expert Committee of the Federation, presided over the event. 会上,中南大学、生物医药组省侨联特聘专家齐聚一堂,分享了各自近年来在各领域取得的有力成果。他们表示,将在省侨联的带领下,充分发挥专长特长,利用好省侨联特聘专家委员会这个平台,把自己的所学所得回馈给家乡。 During the symposium, specially-appointed experts from Central South University and the field of biomedicine of the Federation gathered together to share their remarkable achievements in various fields in recent years. They expressed their commitment to fully utilize their expertise and strengths under the guidance of the Federation. They aim to make good use of the platform provided by the Specially-Appointed Expert Committee of the Federation to give back to their hometown. 孙民生对各位专家为湖南作出的杰出贡献表示敬意,并提前致以新春祝福。 Sun Minsheng expressed his respect for the outstanding contributions made by the experts to Hunan Province. He also extended early New Year greetings.
Updated:2024-01-18 17:18:29
Updated:2024-01-18 17:18:29
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