湖南省华侨公益基金会二届十次理事会现场。 The scene of the Second Tenth Council Meeting of the Hunan Overseas Chinese Public Welfare Foundation. 12月29 日,湖南省华侨公益基金会(以下简称“基金会”)二届十次理事会在长沙召开。会议回顾总结2023年工作,研究部署2024年工作,与会人员围绕2024年工作目标任务进行了讨论交流。 On December 29th, the Second Tenth Council Meeting of the Hunan Overseas Chinese Public Welfare Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the "Foundation") was held in Changsha. The meeting reviewed and summarized the work of 2023, discussed and deployed the work in 2024, and the attendees had discussions and exchanges regarding the goals and tasks for 2024. 省侨联经济工作处处长贺建平代表省侨联对基金会2023年工作取得的成绩给予充分肯定。她指出,近年来,基金会广泛凝聚侨心力量,在扶贫济困、捐资助学、乡村振兴中发挥了不可替代的作用,彰显了侨界担当和作为。 He Jianping, the Director of the Economic Work Department of the Hunan Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, represented the Federation to fully acknowledge the achievements of the Foundation's work in 2023. She pointed out that in recent years, the Foundation has extensively gathered the strength of overseas Chinese, playing an irreplaceable role in poverty alleviation, disaster relief, funding education, and rural revitalization, demonstrating the responsibility and contribution of the overseas Chinese community.
Updated:2024-01-12 14:25:04
Updated:2024-01-12 14:25:04
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