红网时刻新闻记者 田兴雨 谭婕倪 报道 26日,“赴华韩国游客数量暴增900%”的消息成为网络热搜。说到韩国人赴华旅游,就不得不提湖南张家界。多年来,张家界已成为韩国游客造访中国的首选之地。 On the 26th, the news that “Number of South Korean Tourists Visiting China surges by 900%” became a hot topic on the internet. When it comes to South Korean tourists visiting China, one cannot help but mention Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province. Over the years, Zhangjiajie has become the top destination for South Korean tourists visiting China. 根据官方统计数据,2023年张家界共接待入境游客68.74万人次,其中光韩国游客超过28万人次,占总接待量的41%。 Local government figures show that overseas tourists made 687,400 trips to Zhangjiajie last year, with more than 280,000 made by tourists from South Korea, accounting for 41% of the total reception. 韩国民众一直怀有对山岳的原始崇敬之情,而张家界鬼斧神工的天门山、惊心动魄的鬼谷栈道,还有让人如入神话世界的黄龙洞等举世闻名的自然景观,深深吸引着韩国游客的心弦。 Korean people have always harbored a primal reverence for mountains, and Zhangjiajie’s renowned natural landscapes such as the otherworldly Tianmen Mountain, the thrilling Guigu Plank Road, and the enchanting Huanglong Cave, which make visitors feel as if they are stepping into a mythical world, undoubtedly captivate the hearts of Korean tourists. 如今,韩国游客造访张家界的方式逐渐从“银发游”转变为“家庭游”。“孝顺父母,就带他们到张家界”已成为众多韩国民众的共识,彰显了他们对这片美丽土地的热爱。 Nowadays, the way Korean tourists visit Zhangjiajie is gradually shifting from “silver-haired tourism” to “family tourism.” “Being filial to parents, take them to Zhangjiajie” has become the consensus of many Korean people, highlighting their love for this beautiful land.
Updated:2024-02-29 17:24:54
Updated:2024-02-29 17:24:54
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