红网时刻新闻记者 田兴雨 报道 艳丽大胆的配色,大胆夸张的造型,充满民族特色的滩头年画,作为国家级非物质文化遗产,值得被看见、被传承。 The New Year paintings in Tantou have bright and bold colors, exaggerated shapes, and are full of ethic characteristics, and as a national intangible cultural heritage, it deserves to be seen and passed on. 隆回县滩头镇有“现代民间年画之乡”的美誉。滩头年画,作为湖南唯一传统木板手工印年画,就是他们驰名中外的“镇店之宝”。 Tantou Town in Longhui County is known as the “Hometown of Modern Folk New Year Paintings”. Tantou New Year paintings, as the only traditional wood-block hand-printed New Year paintings in Hunan, are their famous “treasure of the store” both at home and abroad. 无论是守护家园的门神,还是寓意美好的吉祥图案,亦或是丰富多彩的戏文故事,都是将滩头年画的民俗性、艺术性具象化的载体。 Whether it is a door god who protects the home, auspicious patterns with beautiful meanings, or colorful drama stories, they are all carriers that embody the folklore and artistry of the Tantou New Year paintings. 刀刀篆刻,张张版印,一纸一绘间,鲜艳的色彩、夸张的形象、朴实的愿望都立于年画之上。 Every seal carving, every block print, every piece of paper, and every painting depicts bright colors, exaggerated images, and simple wishes. 滩头的年画,传承在民间老手艺人之间,是值得我们去挖掘的艺术宝藏。 The New Year paintings in Tantou, passed down among old folk craftsmen, are artistic treasures worth exploring. (素材来源:隆回县融媒体中心)
Updated:2024-02-01 11:51:51
Updated:2024-02-01 11:51:51
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