Knowing All about Hunan


Updated:2024-03-08 11:24:53


Hanshou County, Changde, lies on Dongting Lake to the east and Yuan River and Li River to the west. The good geographical conditions have given birth to a prosperous aquaculture industry, the most representative of which is the soft-shelled turtle.


The soft-shelled turtle from Hanshou has a thick skirt, delicious meat and a large and thin body. When a delicacy that combines deliciousness, nutrition, and health appears, it will become a popular dish in thousands of households.


Hanshou soft-shelled turtle is the best in the nation. The cute and naive image of Hanshou soft-shelled turtle has become popular on the internet, making more people willing to try this delicacy.  Either steamed, braised, or stir-fried, there are various cooking methods for you to choose from; paired with chicken, it’s a unique Farewell My “Chicken”, paired with bacon, it’s an authentic specialty, allowing for a variety of combinations.


As China’s national geographical indication product, Hanshou soft-shelled turtle has a large breeding scale, a good brand reputation, and a high product quality. Let’s go to Hanshou to taste this nationally certified tasty delicacy.