2024年马栏山花朝节现场。 2024 Malanshan Flower Festival Scene 汉服巡游现场。 Hanfu parade scene 花神祈福仪式。 Ceremony of flower goddess praying for blessings 4月13日,2024年马栏山花朝节在长沙月湖公园举办,省侨联党组成员、副主席彭迪宣布活动开幕。 On April 13, the 2024 Malanshan Flower Festival was held in Changsha Yuehu Park. Peng Di, member of party leadership and vice chairman of Hunan Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, announced the opening of the event. 花朝节活动共持续2天,期间呈现花神祈福仪式、汉服巡游及游园会、云裳游月湖、花朝集市、非遗手作、汉二代秀及少年武术、国风打卡墙、全球华人华侨连线祝福等主题活动。现场还引入了以“花”为主题的民乐艺术,为长沙市民游客带来一场“花朝国风乐典”。 The Flower Festival lasted for 2 days, during which there were a lot of theme activities such as the ceremony of flower goddess praying for blessings, the Hanfu parade and carnival, the tour of Yuehu Lake, flower fairs, making intangible cultural heritage handicrafts, the second generation Hanfu show and performance of teenage martial arts, Chinese style check-in wall, and sending online blessings to overseas Chinese globally. Besides, there were also folk music art performances themed “flower”, bringing a “Chinese Style Music Ceremony” to Changsha citizens and the tourists. 值得一提的是,本次花朝节首次联动海内外,来自法国、德国、澳大利亚、加拿大、美国等国家和地区的华人华侨身着传统华服,亮相世界各地街头、公园、文化场馆等,通过开展传统服饰走秀、汉服体验等多种活动,让当地群众近距离感受汉服之美,助推“国潮”走向“世界潮”。 It is worth mentioning that this Flower Festival, for the first time, linked the Chinese at home and abroad. Many overseas Chinese in France, Germany, Australia, Canada, the United States and other countries and regions wore traditional Chinese costumes appearing in streets, parks, cultural venues, etc. By carrying out various activities such as traditional clothing catwalks and wearing Hanfu clothing, local people can experience the beauty of Hanfu up close, thus promoting the “national trend” to “world trend”. 温哥华湖南同乡会成员身着国风华服贺“花朝”,当地群众纷纷前来合影。 Members of the Vancouver Hunan Fellow Association dressed in traditional costumes celebrating the “Flower Festival”; local people joined them to take photos 澳大利亚湖南会汉服、华服爱好者打卡悉尼歌剧院。 Hanfu and other Chinese traditional costumes enthusiasts from the Australian Hunan Fellow Association posed at the Sydney Opera House
Updated:2024-04-19 14:52:08
Updated:2024-04-19 14:52:08
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