片段节选自湖南祁剧《杨门女将》 Excerpts from Hunan Qiju opera Female Generals of the Yang Family 武戏,作为戏曲艺术的一大重要门类,是以精彩的武打表演为主要表现手段来创造人物、表演故事的戏曲剧目。表演武戏的演员需于方寸之间演绎千军万马,以一招一式舞出百味人生,腰腿功力之深厚,非经年累月不可得。 Wuxi (martial plays), as a major category of Chinese operas, features mainly martial scenes and tries to portray the story through performing wonderful martial arts skills. In order to present the scene of a mighty force on the square-inch-sized stage and shape different characters with every single move, the actors have to give full play to their skills of both waist and leg, which could not have been obtained without years of hard work. 剧目《杨门女将》讲述了宋朝时期,西夏王率兵侵扰,元帅杨宗保不幸阵亡。闻报佘太君、穆桂英及杨家上下悲痛万分,此时朝廷震惊,有人意欲求和。佘太君力抑悲痛,凛然挂帅,率领众杨门女将远赴边关,抗敌救国,最终大败西夏敌军,凯旋而归的故事。作为文武大戏,《杨门女将》不仅具有跌宕起伏的故事情节和极大的戏剧张力,其中精彩纷呈的武戏更是将杨门女将的巾帼气韵和军中武将的英勇忠烈展现得淋漓尽致。 Female Generals of the Yang Family tells a story taking place in the Song Dynasty, when the king of Xi Xia led an army to invade and harass the border of the Song Empire. In the battle against the invasion, Marshal Yang Zongbao was unfortunately killed. When hearing the news, Zongbao’s grandmother She Taijun, his wife Mu Guiying and the whole Yang family fell in deep grieve. At the same time, the court was so shocked that some officials suggested an appeasement with the invader. She Taijun, however, suppressed her grief, and led all the women generals of the Yang family to the border to fight against the enemy. They finally defeated the Xi Xia army and returned home in triumph. The repertoire Female Generals of the Yang Family demands both literary and martial arts skills from its actors. Apart from the touching storyline full of ups and downs and the great dramatic power, the play also displays splendid performing arts of martial skills, which deliver to the fullest the spirit that a woman is not inferior to any man, as well as the bravery and loyalty of all military generals. 素材来源:湖南省祁剧保护传承中心 Source: Center for the Preservation of Qiju opera in Hunan Province
湖湘有戏·看戏(双语)丨祁剧《杨门女将》高燃武戏混剪 网友:这才有了武侠的样子
Updated:2024-12-06 16:04:49
Updated:2024-12-06 16:04:49
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