祁剧《清官李蛮牛》节选 An excerpt from Hunan Qiju opera Honest and Upright Official Li Manniu 清官李尚卿(1833—1905年),字子仁,山东乳山人。光绪三年进士入仕,曾在湖南为官二十多年,担任过城步、新宁、邵阳等县的知县,为官清正廉洁,关心民生疾苦,为人嫉恶如仇,敢于善于斗争,人称李蛮牛。 Li Manniu is the nickname for the historically well-known honest and upright official Li Shangqing (1833-1905), whose courtesy name is ZiRen. Born in Rushan, Shandong province, he entered the officialdom as a Jinshi(successful candidates in the highest imperial examination) in 1877 and served in Hunan for more than 20 years. He successively served as the magistrate of Chengbu, Xinning, Shaoyang and other counties around the area. As an honest and upright official, he cared very much about the people's livelihood, had a strong hatred of evil practices and dared to fight against the evil. So he was also called Li Manniu. 视频内容源自剧目第四场——“真假只在人心中”,讲述了李蛮牛巧用“盲查账目”的招数,迫使一众属官坦白了以权谋私的实情。剧中,李尚卿与即将离任的知县袁老搜斗智斗法,最终逼迫他坦白了自己的罪行,受到严肃处理,清除了一方毒瘤,还了老百姓一片朗朗乾坤,海晏河清!李蛮牛清正为官、除暴安良的故事在邵阳久久相传,其“蛮牛精神”也已成为邵阳人民宝贵的精神财富。 The video clip is from the fourth scene of the play -- "Hidden Truth is Doomed to be Uncovered", which portrays how Li Manniu, through examing accounts blindly, tactfully compelled a group of subordinate officials to confess the truth of abusing power for personal gains. In the play, Li Shangqing fought a battle of wits with the outgoing magistrate Yuan Laosou, and finally made him confess his crimes. Yuan was severely punished and a bright and clean world was returned to the people! The story of Li Manniu has been passed down in Shaoyang for ages, and his "Manniu spirit" has become a precious spiritual wealth cherished by the people of Shaoyang. 视频素材:湖南省祁剧保护传承中心 Source: Center for the Preservation of Qiju opera in Hunan Province
Updated:2025-01-17 17:24:51
Updated:2025-01-17 17:24:51
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