红网时刻新闻记者 田兴雨 王星睿 廖洁 张立 唐凌 长沙报道 你知道民营经济为何重要吗? Do you know why private economy is so important for China? 因为,全国民营企业的数量超过了5500万户,民营企业贡献了全国50%的税收,全国60%以上的GDP,70%以上的技术创新成果,80%以上的城镇劳动就业,和90%以上的企业数量。中国经济的发展,离不开民营经济。民营经济发展也是前景广阔、大有可为,广大民营企业和民营企业家大显身手正当其时。 Because there are more than 55 million private enterprises in China. They contribute 50% of the country’s tax revenue, more than 60% of the country’s GDP and more than 70% of the country’s technological innovation achievements. They provide more than 80% of urban labor employment and occupy more than 90% of the total number of enterprises in China. China's economic development is closely related to private enterprises. The development of the private economy has broad prospects and immense potential in the new era. It is the right time for private enterprises and entrepreneurs to give full play to their capabilities. 在今年全国两会期间,想必有更多助力民营经济发展的好建议,让我们期待代表委员的好声音吧! During this year's annual Two Sessions, more proposals conducive to the development of the private economy are expected. Let’s look forward to the voices of the NPC deputies and CPPCC members. 英文审核:胡永晖 资料来源:新华网 视频来源:新华网 中国日报
Updated:2025-03-04 20:11:06
Updated:2025-03-04 20:11:06
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