Knowing All about Hunan

Internet Plus Transportation provides convience for people

Updated:2015-09-28 10:47:07


  " Internet plus traffic" cloud data centers will be built by the projects of "Internet plus transportation" for integrating traffic information in Hunan Province in order to realize the resource sharing of transportation information for promoting intelligence traffic service.

  Internet Plus: Portable Airport realized on smart phone,Changsha 
      长沙机场“一键出行” 带您玩转“掌上机场”

(机场工作人员耐心介绍微信升级后的便民项目。Airport staff patiently explain the items to the costumers after the WeChat App upgraded. )

 红网长沙9月15日讯(时刻新闻通讯员 刘全 谭晓红 记者 李逢源)自从湖南机场与腾讯联手打造全国首个互联网+智慧机场集群以来,目前第一期长沙黄花国际机场平台开发已经完成。今日,长沙机场微信公众号(CSA96777)正式上线,网友可通过该平台办理预订机票、预约停车支付、微信值机,航班查询,机票预定,缤纷商城购物,停车预约,VIP贵宾预约,大巴购票,失物招领,ibeacon导航,720度全景,微信卡券等功能。届时,旅客可以足不出户,享受互联网+机场带来的便捷。

  Rednet (Changsha): The first stage of work on constructing the internet platform of Changsha Huanghua International Airport has been completed, since Hunan airport joined hands with Tencent Ltd. Co for building China’s first Internet Plus intellectual airport. Huanghua Airport’s official WeChat public number (CSA96777) was officially put online on September 15. Through the platform, netizens may book their tickets, parking place with online payment, Check-in throungh WeChat, checking out flight information, flight reservation, VIP service reservations, shopping online, buying bus tickets, checking information for lost and found, ibeacon navigation, 720-degree panorama guidance, WeChat vouchers and other functions. Visitors can stay at home and enjoy the convenience of "Internet plus" service of Changsha airport’s.   

  “互联网+签证”来了 出境游签证最快3分钟搞定

  “Internet Plus Visa” getting visa in 3 minutes


  " Internet Plus " Initiatives of mobile terminals are changing the tourism abroad and international travel agencies now with fast travel visa applications online , some procedures are simplified to 3 minutes of operation instead of previous procedures of submitting material etc.

  视频: 互联网+交通 车辆到站信息一目了然

  Video : “Internet + buses”: arrival information known at a glance

  邵阳市客运站新增50台自助售票机 汽车票实现网络购票

  Self-service bus ticket machines serve for online selling, Shaoyang City

(6月12日,市民正在邵东汽车西站自动售票机上购买车票 On June 12, a customer is buying a ticket on a self-service bus ticket machine at the west bus station of Shaodong County. )

  红网邵阳站6月16日讯(分站记者 朱飞凡 实习生 黄琪 通讯员 李高雄)邵阳湘运集团有限公司透露,投入600多万元,购置50台自助售票机全面投入使用到隆回等县(市)区16个汽车客运站,并于6月11日全部正式运行,实现了邵阳市一、二级汽车站及部分乡镇汽车站购票网络化、自动化。为了更好地为旅客提供优质购票和乘车服务,该公司将互联网加智慧交通运输应用到旅客的日常生活当中。据工作人员介绍,目前个人购买汽车票可以通过以下三种方式购票。互联网购票:邵阳地区所有汽车票均可在携程网电脑端、手机端、携程微信端购买,网银、支付宝、微信均可支付,一般可提前5至10天购票。自助售票机购票:各一、二级车站均配备了自助售票机,除了可以办理银行卡购票外,还支持使用现金购票;各车站间联网售票,旅客到各车站均可查询和购买邵阳地区其他一二级车站所有班次的车票。

  Rednet (Shaoyang): Fifty self-service ticket machines were distributed in 16 bus stations of longhui County (City) by Shaoyang Hunan Transportation Group Ltd. Co. Station who invested more than 6 million Yuan. The machines achieved auto-services and online selling in the first and second bus station of Shaoyang city. In order to provide better quality ticketing and travel services to travellers, the company will develop smart services for transport services in the daily life by means of Internet applications. According to the staff, there are three ways for individuals to buy bus tickets: Internet booking (all bus tickets are available at Ctrip App on phones and Website on computers , and paid online) ,self-service bus ticket machines and bus stations where people can buy tickets from different stations.