Knowing All about Hunan

Cai Hesen: the first to propose the founding of the CPC

Editor:李莎宁 实习编辑 张焕勤
Updated:2016-06-28 17:29:35


Memorial Hall of Cai Hesen


Exhibitions in the Memorial Hall of Cai Hesen


Key view of Cai Hesen on the founding of the Communist Party of China


The former site of Montargis Women's School

红网时刻新闻记者 刘玉先 通讯员 苏维 摄影 杨杨 娄底报道


Rednet (Loudi): Cai Hesen: the first to propose the founding of the Communist Party of China


Cai Hesen is the first to firmly propose the founding of the Communist Party of China, to systematically spread Marxist historical materialism and the CPC building theory, to create the first official newspaper Guide of the Party Central Committee, and to write the first history of the CPC, namely, The Development of the History of the Communist Party of China


Although Cai Hesen was poor in French, he read much and translated about Marxist works with a French-Chinese dictionary within less than a half year. With amazing hard work, he translated some key chapters of Marxist works, such as The Communist Manifesto, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, "Left-Wing" Communism, an infantile Disorder, State and Revolution, etc. in order to seek experience and truth for Chinese revolution. 


At the Montargis meeting of Xinmin Society in France, Cai Hesen advocated to achieve the goal of Transformation of China and the World through violent revolution of the proletariat, which was affirmed by Mao Zedong. On August 13, 1920, Cai Hesen posted his first 2,700-word letter to Mao Zedong, in which he took a clear-cut stand to found the Communist Party of China for the first time and concluded that only socialism can save China. On September 16, 1920, Cai Hesen posted his second 6,000-word letter to Mao Zedong, in which he proposed specific steps for the founding of the Communist Party of China. 


Cai Hesen launched and led three work-study student movements in France, namely, the February 28th Movement, fighting against Beijing governments’ confidential loan in national betrayal, and advancing into Institut Franco-Chinoise de Lyon (the last struggle of Cai Hesen in France).


Cai Hesen worked and studied in France for nearly two years. During the two years, he changed from a radical democratic revolutionary to a loyal Marxist fighter.

Original Link: [“回望出发的地方”之四] 蔡和森赴法探索革命道路 一封信发出铿锵建党先声

More Links: [“回望出发的地方”之三] 蒙达尔纪,那个青春热血的勤工俭学朋友圈

Montargis: story behind work-study circle of friends in France

[“回望出发的地方”之二] 蒙达尔纪雷蒙特列街15号 湖南的一扇“历史之窗”

Old Residence in Montargis: a window for Hunan youth’s work-study history in France

[“回望出发的地方”之一] 赴法勤工俭学背后 湖湘青年立志“改造中国与世界”

Xinmin Society site: story behind Hunan Youth in Montargis


Du Jiahao: Story behind Li Shizeng’s residence in Montargis bought by Hunan