《70秒·看见中国》 湖南 吃得了苦 耐得了烦 To be strong and persistent is the characteristic of Hunan people 有热血的湖南人从来都不惧挑战 With righteous ardor, Hunan people never fear the challenge. 惟楚有材 于斯为盛 "In the place of Hunan can we find the talented, especially at the present." 人才济济的潇湘大地用70年旧貌新颜 Hunan's great changes of the last 70 years are propelled by the striving talents. 70秒,带你见证一个历久弥新的湖南 The video of 70 seconds will take you to witness the lasting charms of Hunan. 三湘四水 日新月异 All parts of Hunan have rapid progress with each passing day. 一个不靠边不沿海的内陆省份 An inland province that is far from the coasts 一举跃升为全国经济十强 has been one of the top ten provinces for the national economy. 湘江之畔 高楼拔地而起 Skyscrapers rise along the banks of the Xiangjiang River. 橘子洲头 两岸灯火辉煌 Splendid lights illuminate the nights of the beautiful Orange Island. 农业大省甩掉贫穷落后的帽子 The large agricultural province is lifted from poverty and backwardness 如今的工业强省让全国瞩目 Being an industrial province, Hunan attracts national attention. 超级计算机、超级杂交稻 Hunan has a supercomputer, super hybrid rice, 磁浮技术世界领先 The world-leading maglev technology. 文创“湘军”独树一帜 Cultural and Creative Industry is unique. 自主创新长株潭现象享誉全国 Independent innovation of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan is famous in China. 172家世界500强在湘投资 172 companies of Fortune Top 500 invest in Hunan. 形成内陆开放新高地 It makes Hunan a new inland highland for opening. “一带一部”战略定位 "One Belt and One Zone" Strategy 引领湖南在开放中崛起 leads Hunan to rise in the opening. 韶山热土 秉持初心 People of this land hold the initial beliving 岳麓书院 继往开来 through Yuelu Academy 一片净土武陵桃花源 with the tale of the Fountain Peach Blossom Spring. 传承千百年的社会理想 Social ideals are passed down for thousands of years. 在湘楚大地 总有许多情怀 Hunan always embraces many ideas. 来湖南 不可错过边城凤凰 If you come to Hunan, don't forget to come to Fenghuang Town. 踩一踩青石板 登一登吊脚楼 You may step on a bluestone road and stay in vernacular pillar-supported dwellings. 这里有多彩的土家族苗族风情 There are colorful Tujia and Miao customs. 南岳衡山 五岳独秀 Nanyue Hengshan Mountain is known as one of five China most famous mountains. 不仅是道教、佛教圣地 It is not only Taoism and Buddhism, 也是旅游、避暑的必去福地 but it is also a must-go place for tourism and summer vacation. 登岳阳楼 As the ancient poem concerns about Yueyang Tower “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐” "Be the first to show concern and the last to enjoy oneself" 游洞庭湖 and Dongting Lake “且就洞庭赊月色,将船买酒白云边” "And in the moonlight, the boat will buy wine near white clouds." 大美湖南 心向往之 Hunan's environment attracts a great number of people. 火辣辣的湘菜 Spicy Hunan cuisine reflects that 映衬着湖南人越来越红火的日子 Hunan people are getting more and more prosperous 长沙臭豆腐、组庵鱼翅 Like Changsha stinky tofu, Zuan shark fin 剁椒鱼头、永州血鸭 Spicy fish and Yongzhou duck, 每一道菜都让您辣到心坎里 Every dish is hot and spicy. 这里是湖南 Here is Hunan 吃得苦、霸得蛮! Hunan is attractive and Hunan people are known for their talents and persistence. Hunan province covers an area of 211,800 sq km with a population of 68.98 million. It is the home province of Chairman Mao. ◆With an annual GDP growth of 8 percent, Hunan has become one of the top 10provincial economies in China. ◆Besides manufacturing, Hunan has also developed cultural and creative industries as an economic pillar. ◆A total of 43.75 million people have been lifted out of poverty. People's happiness has increased alongside incomes. ◆Rich in natural and cultural tourism resources, Hunan has plenty of popular destinations for visitors. ◆"Without chilies, you can't eat rice," runs a popular Chinese adage. Hunan's spicy cuisine is popular in China and beyond. Link:霸得蛮,耐得烦,这就是湖南! This is Hunan, a magnificent place This is Hunan Xiangjiang River, with the full length of 948 kilometers, flows through the whole territory of Hunan province.
Video: This is Hunan, an attractive place with great people
Updated:2019-09-04 12:57:47
Updated:2019-09-04 12:57:47
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