编者按:全国两会,湖南时刻。红网英文频道推出双语特刊《双语两会·看湖南》,为你梳理湖南代表团动态、聚焦提案议案、关注热点话题。今天推出第四期。 3月9日,中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记刘云山参加湖南代表团审议。时刻姐在浏览相关报道时惊讶地发现,刘云山点赞湖南七项成绩的讲话里,有许多“似曾相识”的关键词。带着疑问,时刻姐开始翻阅近期转发习大大的大量中文、英文报道。原来,两位常委讲话的关键词,真是高度重叠哦。这些词英语该怎么说?权威的官方表述是什么?下面,时刻姐给你露一手。 新常态 : "New normal" (3月9日,习近平参加十二届全国人大三次会议吉林代表团的审议。) 习近平在肯定吉林一年来工作后指出,要适应经济发展新常态,深入推进东北老工业基地振兴,抓住创新驱动发展和产业优化升级。 Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday called for new engines to revitalize northeast China’s old industrial base amid the "new normal" of economic development. "New normal" is a buzz word in 2014 and it will be the first appearance of the word at the two sessions since it became a guideline for Chinese leaders in economic policy-making. [Full text]
产业升级: Upgrading of industrial structure The region should foster clusters of emerging industries by means of innovation-driven development as well as optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, he told lawmakers from northeast China’s Jilin Province in a panel discussion during the annual session of the National People’s Congress (NPC). [Full text]
政治生态: Political ecology 政治生态清明,从政环境就优良。政治生态和自然生态一样,稍不注意,就很容易受到污染,一旦出现问题,再想恢复就要付出很大代价。 Xi warned against pollution of "political ecology," urging officials to stick to discipline amid efforts to promote development. "Political ecology is like natural ecology. It is easily vulnerable to pollution in an unguarded moment," he said. "Once problems arise, great price must be paid to recover." [Full text]
开放: Opening up 2014年,中国第一次成为对外净投资国。但是,外资对中国经济仍然必不可少,特别体现在经济提质增效和创新驱动发展等方面。2015年,中国将继续扩大多个领域对外开放,同时推广上海自贸区经验。 China became a net foreign investor for the first time in 2014. However, foreign capital still plays a vital role in the Chinese economy, especially in improving the quality and efficiency of growth and in driving innovation. In 2015, China will further open up its service sector, guided by experience distilled from the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. [Full text]
一带一路: Belt and Road 各方普遍预测2015年将成为“一带一路”(丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路)做深做实的一年。多个省市区在地方两会上表示将积极参与或服务于“一带一路”。 It is widely expected that more tangible achievements will be made in the "Belt and Road" networks of Asian trade infrastructure proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013. "Belt and Road" refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiatives proposed by China in 2013 for improved cooperation with countries in a vast part of Asia, Europe and Africa. [Full text]
二.聚焦湖南两会 Liu Yunshan joins panel discussion with deputies from Hunan (3月9日,中共中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记刘云山参加湖南代表团审议。Liu Yunshan joins a panel discussion of deputies to the 12th National People’s Congress (NPC) from central China’s Hunan Province during the third session of the 12th NPC in Beijing, capital of China, March 9, 2015.) 湖南日报北京3月9日电 (记者 蒙志军 唐婷 贺佳) 今天上午,人民大会堂东大厅春意盎然。中共中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记刘云山来到这里,出席湖南代表团第四次全体会议,同代表们一起审议政府工作报告和全国人大常委会工作报告。 (Rednet, Xinhua/ March 9): Liu Yunshan (back, C), a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, joins a panel discussion of deputies to the 12th National People’s Congress (NPC) from central China’s Hunan Province during the third session of the 12th NPC in Beijing, capital of China, March 9, 2015. 全国人大常委会副委员长张平参加审议并讲话,湖南代表团团长徐守盛主持会议,副团长杜家毫等参加审议。 Zhang Ping, Vice Chairman of NPC Standing Committee, attended the discussion by making a speech. Xu Shousheng, Head of Hunan delegation of NPC, hosted the meeting. Du Jiahao, Governor of Hunan, participated the meeting companied with other delegates. 对湖南去年以来各项工作取得的显著成绩,刘云山给予了充分肯定。他说,过去一年,湖南的经济发展呈现出稳中有进、稳中向好的良好态势,湖南省委、省政府认真贯彻中央重大决策部署,主动作为,积极进取,各项事业取得了新成就。 Liu Yunshan, gave a full affirmation to the remarkable progress in work of Hunan Province’s in 2014. He said that Hunan achieved a good and steady progress in economic growth, and Hunan Provincial CPC and government has implemented the vital decisions and arrangements from Central Government, with active attitudes, aggressive works and new achievements in various undertakings last year as below. 一是经济保持了平稳健康发展的态势,产业转型升级加快,重大项目建设深入推进,呈现出不少新的增长点,经济发展质量得到提升。 First, Hunan maintained a stable and healthy development of economy, by accelerating the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, promoting major projects with farther development, fostering new area of growth with upgrading the quality of economic development. 二是全面深化改革实现了良好开局,行政管理体制、投融资体制、文化体制、国企国资、农业农村的改革全面推进,取得了阶段性成果。 Second, Hunan realized the good beginning of deepening the reform; and Hunan has achieved initial results in the reforms of administration system, investment and financing system, cultural system, State-owned enterprises, agricultural and rural area. 三是主动融入国家“一带一路”、长江经济带建设的重大战略,开放水平有新的提高。 Third, Hunan active integrated into the strategy of “Belt and Road”, the construction of Yangtze River Economic Zone with an improved opening-up situation. 四是民生工作持续加强,加快发展社会事业,加大扶贫攻坚力度,在创业就业、医疗卫生、养老保险等方面,为群众办了不少好事、实事。 Fourth, Hunan’s work of People’s livelihood has been strengthened and accelerated by the development of social undertakings and poverty eradication. Good and practical problems have been solved in certain aspects such as employment, health care, old-age insurance. 五是法治建设步伐加快。改进完善地方立法,稳步推进司法体制改革,加强普法宣传教育,法治湖南建设取得新进展。 Fifth, in Hunan province, the pace of construction of the rule of law has been accelerated with new progress of improving local legislation, steadily advancing judicial reform, strengthening Publicity and education concerning the law. 六是党的建设全面推进,落实全面从严治党责任,贯彻中央八项规定精神,扎实开展党的群众路线教育实践活动。 Sixth, all-around progress has been made in Party building of Hunan, and Hunan comprehensively kept implementing the strict party discipline with Eight Spirits of Central Government, by carring out the party’s mass campagn. 七是强化了正风肃纪,严肃查处了衡阳破坏选举案,党风政风和政治生态得到明显改善。 Seventh, Hunan strengthened the positive attitude of working; Hunan Government achieved a significant improvement in "political ecology". [Full text]
Liu Yunshan praises farmer representative from Hunan (3月9日,中共中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记刘云山与向平华代表亲切握手。 湖南日报记者 张目 摄 On March 9, Liu Yunshan warmly shake hands with Xiang Pinghua,a representative of NPC from Hunan Province ) “现在在农村很多人不学习,虽然物质生活丰富了,但许多人家里却找不到一张纸、一支笔、一本书。习近平总书记提出培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观,我们村愿意当好这个试验田。” (Rednet/ March 9) : “Many people in the countryside don’t learn more. Though their material lives enriched, in certain of their houses, one cannot find a piece of paper or a pen, or even a book. Our village would like to be the experimental field to foster and carry out ‘core socialist values’”, as President Xi Jinping has reiterated. 3月9日上午,全国人大代表、慈利县象鼻嘴村党支部书记向平华在湖南代表团第四次全体会议上的一席发言,得到了参会审议的中共中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记刘云山的点赞:“你可以把观点有理有据地跟媒体说说。” In the morning of March 9, Liu Yunshan , a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, joins a panel discussion of deputies to the 12th National People’s Congress (NPC) from central China’s Hunan Province , March 9, 2015. As the suggestion by Xiang Pinghua, a deputy from Xiangbi village of Cili County in Hunan province, was given on the meeting, Liu Yunshan praised his idea, "you may speak out your idea with more details and reasons to media. ” “这些年,我们抓经济建设这只手又粗又长又大,但对农民教育的这只手却显得又瘦又小又短。”向平华说,2014年,党在农村的富民政策已经达到31项,从田里补到山坡,从猪圈补到林地,从老人补到学生,从病床补到学校。但许多老百姓并不知道。 "All these years, economy aid is one strong and rough hand to help farmers, “ said Xiang, “but education for farmers, as the other helping hand, seems quite small and short. " He said that people in villages rarely know that there are 31 enrich policies of government, since 2014 for compensate rural area, for almost every aspect including from the slope to the field, from pig sties to woods, from elderly to students, from hospital to the school construction. “喝水不忘挖井人。国家给了农民很多实惠,但如果没有宣传和教育,农民就不知道,也感觉不到幸福。”向平华说,习近平总书记提出要加强社会主义核心价值观建设,很及时,尤其在农村,很迫切、很有必要。 "When one drinks water, remind him who dig the water well,” said Xiang Pinghua“Though States give many benefits to farmers, without the publicity and education, farmers hardly know where did these happen and feel less fortunate. " He said that it has an urgent necessary to tell and educate people the Socialist core values. 向平华呼吁,要用“接地气”的方式,在农村传播中华优秀传统文化,把践行社会主义核心价值观贯穿到基层,融入到每个人的心中,成为每个人的自觉行动。 He said that Chinese traditional culture should be the “reasonable” approach of telling people "core socialist values", by practical implementing it at grass-root level, in everyone’s mind and by everyone’s conscious action. [Full text]
中共中央总书记习近平强调“社会主义核心价值观”,要求全面学习和弘扬社会主义核心价值观道德准则。 (社会主义核心价值观包含12个词,共24个字,分别从国家、社会和公民个人三个层面提出社会主义核心价值观的价值目标、价值取向和价值准则。下面是社会主义核心价值观的中英文对照,供网友参考。来源:人民网) 红网英文频道综合报道 编译:李莎宁
追加词汇: 社会主义核心价值观英语这么说
社会主义核心价值观(core socialist values)基本内容:
(soul of cultural soft power ),一个国家的文化软实力,从根本上说,取决于其核心价值观的生命(vitality)、凝聚力(cohesiveforce)、感召力(charisma)。
Updated:2015-03-10 16:01:58
Updated:2015-03-10 16:01:58
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