Knowing All about Hunan


Updated:2015-03-14 19:12:27


  一. 聚焦全国两会


  Xi Jinping: to treat civil-military integration as a national strategy

(2015年3月12日,习近平出席十二届全国人大三次会议解放军代表团全体会议并发表重要讲话。新华社记者 李刚 摄)



  Chinese President Xi Jinping (C), also general secretary of the  Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the  Central Military Commission, shakes hands with deputies to the 12th  National People's Congress (NPC) from the People's Liberation Army  (PLA) and joins a plenary meeting of the PLA delegation during the  third session of the 12th NPC in Beijing, capital of China, March 12,  2015. (Xinhua/Li Gang)

  “军民融合”:civil-military integration

  “军民融合”可以用civil-military integration 表述,习近平在出席十二届全国人大三次会议解放军代表团全体会议(a plenary meeting of the  People's Liberation Army delegation)时指出,全军应贯彻执行军民融合发展战略(the development strategy of civil-military integration),以开创军队能力建设新局面(break new grounds in the PLA's capability  building)。

  习近平指出,全军着力开展实战化军事训练(carry out real combat-like military trainings),大力推进党风廉政建设(improve the Party's work style)和反腐败斗争,贯彻强军目标取得了新的重大进展。

  习近平同时指出因为实施军民融合,国家的经济与国防实力得到同步增长 (synchronize development in its economic and national defense capabilities)。同时要看到,我国军民融合发展还处于初步阶段(at a preliminary phase),还存在思想观念跟不上、顶层统筹统管体制缺乏(lack of top-level coordination)、工作执行力度不够(lax implementation)等问 题,要使两者协调发展、平衡发展、兼容发展(achieve coordinated, balanced and compatible development)。


  “军队反腐”:military countercorruption

  Party representatives must fully understand the military  countercorruption drive, so that they identify existing problems and  address them in a strict and urgent manner, the CMC leaders said.


  文中的military countercorruption就是指“军队反腐”。“反腐”也可以用 anti-graft campaign或者combat/fight graft来表示。全面反腐工作开展以来,一些senior PLA officials(军队高官)被撤销委员资格。

  中央军委要求各级要及时发现问题,有针对性采取措施,彻底清除“灰色地带”(grey zones)和“潜规则”(hidden rules)。要发挥纪检、巡视 (inspections)、审计(auditing)的作用,坚持明查暗访不断线,保持高压态势,对不收手不收敛的从严从重处理(receive harsher punishment)。

  “铁帽子王”:iron-cap princes


  现场翻译用这句话巧妙解释了这一含义:No one has impunity.(没有人可以免罚。)

  “铁帽子王”的翻译:Lyu said that in fighting corruption it's important to deal with any and all of it. There will be no "iron-cap princes" that have immunity, he said.(吕新华表示,在反腐斗争中,发现一起查处一起,发现多少查处多少,没有不受查处的“铁帽子王”。)

  “铁帽子王”的由来:"Iron-cap princes" refers to 12 special princes during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) whose princely titles were to be "passed on forever" through generations. Other princes' sons could only inherit a title at a lower level.


  铁帽子王和其他亲王相比,享有的特权一是“世袭罔替”, 隔代不降爵;二是俸禄优厚,岁俸银1万两,禄米1万斛;三是赐予世袭罔替王府,又叫铁帽子王府。

  “反腐败立法”:The anti-graft legislation


  China plans to develop national legislation to fight corruption, according to a report delivered by top legislator Zhang Dejiang Sunday. The anti-graft legislation should be introduced as quickly as possible and the system of sanctions and prevention improved with the goal being a mechanism which means "officials dare not, cannot and do not want to be corrupt," according to the decision.


  “老虎”、“苍蝇”:Tigers and flies


  We must uphold the fighting of tigers and flies at the same time, resolutely investigating law-breaking cases of leading officials and also earnestly resolving the unhealthy tendencies and corruption problems which happen all around people. We should adhere that there are no exceptions in the face of party discipline and state law, with no leniency, no matter who is involved.

  时间都去哪儿了:Where did the time go?


  You know, I am in such a special position that I hardly have any free time. During this year's Spring Festival, there is a song called "Where Did the Time Go?" in China. For me, where does my personal time go? Of course it all goes to work.

  APEC蓝:APEC blue


  Some people call the clear Beijing sky these days the "APEC blue," it is beautiful but temporary and it will be gone soon after the APEC meeting. I hope, and believe, that with persistent efforts, the APEC blue will be here to stay.

  蛮拼的、点赞:Sparing no efforts performing duty, Salute


  Officials at various levels have also spared no efforts performing their duty. Of course, those achievements would not have been possible without the support of the people. I would like to salute our great people.

  年轻人不要总熬夜:Young people should avoid staying up late

  【习语】 “那个时候我年轻想办好事,差不多一个月大病一场。为什么呢?老熬夜。经常是通宵达旦干。后来最后感觉到不行,这么干也长不了。先把自己的心态摆顺了,内在有激情,外在还是要从容不迫。”

  I was so eager to do my job well that I often burnt night oil, but also fell ill quite often. I came to realize that even if work piles up, one can only do one piece of work a time, however enthusiastic you may be about the job.


  Leaders attends closing meeting of CPPCC annual session 

  3月13日,中国人民政治协商会议第十二届全国委员会第三次会议在北京闭幕。 这是习近平、李克强、张德江、刘云山、王岐山、张高丽等在主席台就座。新华社记者李学仁摄

  Top Communist Party of China (CPC) and state leaders Xi Jinping (front, 3rd L), Li Keqiang (front, 3rd R), Zhang Dejiang (front, 2nd L), Liu  Yunshan (front, 2nd R), Wang Qishan (front, 1st L) and Zhang Gaoli  (front,1st R) attend the closing meeting of the third session of the  12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative  Conference (CPPCC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital  of China, March 13, 2015. (Xinhua/Li Xueren) 

  二. 聚焦湖南

  湖南代表团分组审议“两高”报告 徐守盛杜家毫等参加

  Hunan delegation hold panel discussion to deliberate on the report of the supreme people's court and the supreme people's protectorate, Xu and Du present 

  湖南日报北京3月13日电(记者 蒙志军 贺佳)今天,湖南代表团在驻地分组审议最高人民法院和最高人民检察院工作报告。徐守盛、杜家毫等参加审议。

  Hunan Daily(Beijing) On March 13, Hunan delegation held panel discussion in Hunan Pavilion of the Great Hall of the People to deliberate on work report of the supreme people's court and the supreme people's protectorate.Xu Shousheng and Du Jiahao attend the meeting.

  杜家毫发言中表示赞同全国人大常委会工作报告和“两高”工作报告。他说,过去一年,全国人大常委会始终坚持党的领导,在加强立法建设、推进司法改革、建设法治国家、发挥人民代表履职作用等方面作了大量工作,取得显著成绩。 【详细】

  Du Jiahao agreed with work report of the National People's Congress standing committee and work report of the supreme people's court and the supreme people's protectorate. He said that,during last year, National People's Congress standing committee always adheres to the leadership of the party and has done a lot and made remarkable achievement in strengthening the construction of legislation, advancing the judicial reform, construct the country ruled by law, and making NPC delegates fulfill their obligation and so on.  [Full text]

  在湘全国政协委员返回长沙 共提交提案131件

  Hunan delegation return to Changsha, submitting 131 proposals to NPC Annual Session 2015


(Successfully fufilling their tasks, Hunan delegation who attend the 3rd session of 12th CPPCC return to Changsha by plane.)

  红网长沙3月13日讯(时刻新闻记者 黎鑫)3月13日晚上11:03,长沙黄花国际机场飘着蒙蒙细雨,一架由北京飞往长沙的飞机缓缓落地。在圆满完成全国政协十二届三次会议各项大会任务后,湖南省委常委、省委统战部部长李微微,省政协副主席杨维刚等在湘全国政协委员乘飞机返回长沙。

  [Reported by Li Xin/Rednet](Changsha)March 12,2015  Around 11:03 at night on March 13, Hunan delegation arrived at Changsha Huanghua International Airport. Hunan delegation attending the 3rd session of 12th CPPCC successfully fufilled their tasks, duputies like Li Weiwei, member of Hunan provincial party committee standing committee, Secretary of provincial party committee united front work department, Yang Weigang, Vice Chairman of Hunan provincial CPPCC, returned to Changsha.


  Vice Chairman of Hunan provincial CPPCC Wu Jihai, Wang Xiaoqin, Ou Yangbin and secretary Yuan Xinhua welcomed them at the airport.

  During the NPC Annual Session 2015, enthusiastic and responsible, Hunan deputies submitted proposals on comprehensively deepening reform, improving people’s live-hood, transforming economic development mode, strengthening social governing, constructing ecological civilization and so on, 131 proposals and 9 written statement, which draw a lot of attention and voiced the sound of Hunan.

  委员们表示,在今后的工作中,要深入贯彻落实全国“两会”精神,不断提高履职素质、增强履职本领,做好参政议政各项工作,凝聚方方面面的智慧和力量,为促进湖南经济社会发展和人民政协事业提升作出新贡献。 【详细】

  Deputies said that, they will deep implement the spirit of the NPC Annual Session 2015, constantly improve quality and ability, participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs, gather wisdom and strength from all walks of life, in order to promote Hunan economic and social development and make more contribution to improving People's political consultative conference business.  [Full text]

红网英文频道综合报道 编译:周倩








  【双语两会·看湖南】第2期:外长“萌” 女人花

