双语|保护湖湘绿色环境 共建美丽湖南
To Build a Beautiful Hunan by Environmental Protection
编者按: 3月11日下午全国两会通过了《中华人民共和国宪法修正案》。“生态文明”写入宪法。“建设生态文明,关系人民福祉,关乎民族未来。”“走向生态文明新时代,建设美丽中国,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦的重要内容。”……湖南是怎样建设生态文明,共建美丽湖南的呢?小编带大家来看湖南为保护青山绿水做了什么。
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Forest coverage rate of Hunan Province reaches 59.68%
Spring is the best season of the year, and today is Arbor Day. Hunan province has good achievements on tree planting and urban and rural greening. By the end of 2017, the forest coverage rate of Hunan Province reached 59.68%, and the forest reserves reached 548 million cubic meters. The coverage rate of the urban and rural greening above the county level reached 39.3%. Green mountains and cities have become a brand for Hunan. The green development Index ranked the 8th nationally.
Ecological Environment Improvement
Hunan takes strategy of “A Lake and Four Rivers" ( Dongting Lake; Xiang River, Zi River, Yuan River and Li River are four major rivers in Hunan)”as the main battlefield for environmental protection and improvement. It implements the river chief/keeper system and the most stringent water resources management system. It strongly promotes the rectification according the problems and feedback issues by Central Environmental Protection Inspection. Hunan will effectively work for pollution prevention and control for air, water and soil.
Rectification of Xiang River
为还湘江碧透美景,湘江保护与治理不断深入, 沿岸8市67县开展统一行动,关闭流域内1182家涉“重”企业;干流沿岸500米内2273家畜禽养殖场全部退出;整治500余座矿山,21万亩矿区重披新绿。
In order to restore the beautiful scenery of Xiang River River, the envionmental protection and rectification are deepening by the unified operations in eight cities and 67 counties in Hunan along the coast of Xiang River.1,182 companies involved in “heavy” industries have been shut down; 2273 livestock and poultry farms within 500 meters along the main stream of the river have been moved to other places; 21 million acres of mining areas have been covered in green plants .
Clear water of Dongting Lake
The special rectifications of the ecological environment in the Dongting Lake have eliminated nearly 80,000 acres of European and American black poplars, along with hundreds of sand-mining points canceled, reconstruct papermaking companies shut down and nearly 10,000 livestock and poultry farms removed. At the Two Sessions in 2018, Du Jiahao said to the media, "The water keeps clear; the birds returns; more porpoises comes to Dongting Lake. This rectification actions have been supported by the broad masses of the people in the area near Dongting Lake."
A porpoise is swimming in Dongting Lake. 洞庭湖里江豚在水中游。
The qualified rate of water quality of Dongting Lake rose from 76.2% of the previous year to 85.7%. The number of days with good air reached 305 days, with an increase of 21 days compared with the previous year, and the excellent rate was 83.6%, which was an increase of 6 percentage points from the previous year. The growth rate is No.1 in Hunan. In 2017 Dongdong Lake waterfowl reached 1.183 million, is the highest number of waterfowl in the East Dongting Lake in the past 10 years. The rectification of Dongting Lake has achieved initial results.
Protecting ecological systems in Hunan
Hunan is located on the migratory route of East Asian-Australian migratory birds. Dongting Lake is an important habitat and wintering ground for migratory birds. In mid-March each year, migratory birds begin to move from south to north for about two months. There are nearly 500 species of birds in Hunan, accounting for one-third species of birds in China, including 11 species of first-class national protected birds and 53 species of second-class protected birds. In recent years, Hunan has done a lot of work to protect migratory birds on the Millennium Bird Road. In winter of 2017, more than 220,000 winter migratory birds came to Dongting Lake, which increased more than 40,000 birds. The work on protecting migratory birds has achieved remarkable results.
洞庭湖自然之旅 英国小哥找到了金山银山
British journalist sees environment protection at Dongting Lake
Dongting Lake, in the far north of Hunan province, is home to the few remaining Yangtze finless porpoise left in the wild. In this episode of Decoding The New Era, we find out what's being done to conserve this critically endangered marine mammal, improve the environment and foster green development.
在中国,英国小哥方丹(Greg Fountain)经常能听到一句话,“绿水青山就是金山银山”。Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.
在洞庭湖转了一圈后,(Dongting Lake)他对这句话有了更直接、更深刻的理解。
亲手喂养动物保护站(nature reserve)萌萌的麋鹿。(milu or Père David's deer)
Bilingual Reports:
To Build a Beautiful Hunan by Environmental Protection
Highlights of Govt Work Report that Hunan strives for
Hunan Motions and Proposals in the “Two Sessions”
Hunan NPC deputies speak for the people with all their heart
Hunan NPC deputy's carry-on treasure series V: record book for scientific research
Hunan NPC deputy's carry-on treasure series IV: TCM oral liquid
Hunan NPC deputy's carry-on treasure series III: Hunan embroidery fingerprint notebook
Hunan NPC deputy's carry-on treasure series II: water sample of Dongting Lake
Hunan NPC deputy's carry-on treasure series I: Anhua local products