双语|速览湖南军民融合产业乘风破浪 惠及民生
[Bilingual Hunan] Fast-growing Civil-Military Integration in Hunan
军民融合产业规模再上新台阶(Industrial scale to a new level)
2017 total industrial output value of Hunan civil-military integration reached 120 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 17%.
In 2018, Hunan will focus on construction of civil-military science and technology industrial parks, and civil-military collaborative innovation centers concerning self-controlled components, intelligent sensing, unmanned platform, software radio, Beidou Navigation Satellite System, optical engineering, high-resolution remote sensing, aerospace new materials, etc.
军民融合特色产业集群初具规模(Characteristic industrial cluster to take shape)
Hunan leading civil-military industries: Nuclear, aviation, spaceflight, special equipment manufacturing, shipping, civilian blasting and chemical engineering, etc.
Hunan characteristic civil-military industries: New energy, new materials, military electronic communication, etc.
Hunan civil-military industrial clusters begin to take shape: New-generation information technology, aerospace, satellite applications, new energy, new materials, etc.
Major innovative technological achievements (examples)
“天河一号”超级计算机系统等39项科研成果获国家级奖励。(资料图 新华社记者毛振华摄)
39 achievements in scientific research such as Tianhe-I supercomputer system won national rewards.
Two commercial microsatellites successfully launched by Spacety Research Institute.
北斗导航技术的突破,带动了长沙、岳阳等卫星应用产业园的发展。(资料图 新华社记者刘潇摄)
Beidou Navigation Satellite System’s technological breakthrough fosters the development of satellite application industrial parks in Changsha, Yueyang, etc.
The domestic exclusive general aviation engine researcher and manufacturer in Hunan.
Domestic small general-purpose planes with complete proprietary intellectual property rights firstly launched in Hunan.
Domestic large aircrafts’ manufacturing supplies from Hunan.
军民深度融合加快推进(Advancement of civil-military deep integration)
A large number of local civil enterprises integrate into military industrial chains: For example, Loudi city fosters traditional enterprises in civil-military transformation and upgrading.
Military enterprises integrate into local economic circles: For example, military aerial engines in workshops of Zhuzhou Dongjiaduan Hi-tech Park are transformed into gas turbine co-generation units.
Civil-military fruits gradually applied in daily life
Beidou Navigation Satellite System’s application terminal has been widely used among fisherfolks in coastal areas of China.
A new-type structural reinforcing coating material researched in Hunan can protect fragile products like eggs. In addition to military applications, this new coating material can be applied in engineering vehicle, bridge structure, ships, slops, tunnels, underground construction, chemical pipelines, electrical towers, architectural protection, port facilities, etc.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) applied in Hunan traffic management
In September 2017, Hunan formed the domestic first UAV traffic police group; UAV has been applied in Changsha, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, Hengyang, and Chenzhou.
In May 2017, UAV radio broadcasting was applied in Hunan express way to smooth traffic flow for the first time.
In October 2017, Zhuzhou traffic police detachment began to apply UAV into dynamic patrol that can capture traffic violations.
编译:张焕勤 综合红网、湖南日报报道整理
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Fast-growing Civil-Military Integration in Hunan
Updated:2018-03-14 09:30:22
Updated:2018-03-14 09:30:22
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